Friday, September 13th, 2024 11:52 PM


Possibly mistake coming to xfinity from Google Fi to save a few bucks on promo.

1. Sending txt with images takes forever! Still waiting for a txt I initiated an hour ago to send. With Google Fi, send, instantly sent. Never ever a delay unless I'm off grid. I'm on my business wifi connection. It's solid, under utilized fiber connection. Still xfinity can't push the txt out the door. So frustrating.

2. Brought 2 devices over to xfinity. One of them was to just stay at my business for me. Since it was always going to be on wifi, I opted to turn off mobile data.

2a. Phone calls worked okay. Though, audio has an underlying garbled nature to every conversation. On Google Fi, conversations were like the person was standing next to me.

2b. Outgoing + incoming txt to 1-number worked fine.

2c. Outgoing + incoming txt to 1-number with an image of file, NO GO. Did not work.

2d. Outgoing + incoming group txt, NO GO. Did not work.

2e. Voicemail, NO GO. Did not work.

After 3-frustrating weeks of going through xfinity help, forums and any online resource I could fine, no joy. I figured it must be my fault or the device. Though, I never had anything close to these issues when I switched to Google Fi years ago.

Call xfinity support. After a number of checks on xfinity-side, I was asked a number of questions. One of which resolve the problem. I came to understand after solving the issue with xfinity support help, that xfinity lacks the level of technical competence to allow all features of mobile devices to work across wifi-only. You see, the solution to the problems listed above was I MUST turn on mobile data, otherwise, those services will not work. Xfinity mobile network is only capable of voice and simple txt across wifi. It's a palm to forehead kinda awakening. How can a top-tier mobile service not leverage wifi at every opportunity to reduce bandwidth on mobile cell?

Done. Oh, by the way, that message with 3-pics that xfinity was trying to send for me... now underneath the txt and each pic are the words "Not Sent." Never happened on Google Fi. Will see how long I stay, but I thin the writing is on the wall (and my phones).

1 Message

3 months ago

I've had similar issues with google fi with text messaging - I think it happens more when I am sending messages to iphones. 

I am in a dilemma now to switching to xfinity from Fi for the discount they give on my internets....

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