

3 Messages

Wednesday, April 12th, 2023 7:19 AM


Mobile Phone Order Cancellation Issue

​On March 21, I thought I ordered a Samsung S23 Ultra 512GB along with two SIMS cards to transfer numbers along. Within 12 hours of ordering and completed the identity verification, I finally got the order confirmation only to have the names per line were spelled wrong and instead of 512 GB, it was 256GB. That’s when the nightmare begun. I didn’t know that I had 30 minutes to cancel the order because I was still in the phone with the representative for nearly 2 hours! On March 24th, FedEx made an attempted to deliver the package and I rejected it thinking that it was going back right away but apparently FedEx isn’t UPS regrettably. FedEx Express had to call Xfinity Mobile to figure out what to do with the package. They kept the package from March 24th to April 1st although it was supposed to have been returned back to Xfinity Warehouse on March 31st. I received an email from FedEx stating that the phone was delivered and have proof of delivery information but yet the phone hasn’t been removed from the account. I spoke with “ an advanced rep” named Ann this past weekend. She said that she was going to have this expedited and high test priority…. Given that we haven’t been refunded for a phone that we don’t have. It’s been over 3 weeks now and still don’t have a new phone. I regret this decision of coming to Xfinity Mobile after numerous phone calls, different representatives telling me different things with most of them I could BARELY understand what they are saying. I go into the store and they’re nice but apparently can’t do anything. I am extremely frustrated because all I want is for the phone to be canceled out so that I can get the right one and wanted to add more lines. We’ve been with for a month now but this issue happened around two weeks with being with Xfinity. We just want this order to be canceled to get the right phone.

Problem Solver


492 Messages

1 year ago

Hello @user_c8794b, thank you for taking the time to reach out to us. We want to make sure that you receive assistanance with your mobile concern. We'd love to help, but we don't have access to XFINITY Mobile accounts via social media, I do apologize. We would suggest contacting our Mobile experts via one of the following methods:

• SMS Text Message: 1 (888) 936-4968
• Phone: 1 (888) 936-4968
• Chat:  https://www.xfinity.com/xfinityassistant/?channel=xMobile

I'm confident that one of our Xfinity mobile agents will be able to assist you! 



3 Messages

@XfinityJimmy​ I did all of that and some as I mentioned above. We had to get transferred over to Order Vertification department. There were at least four representatives kept going back and forth about either or not the warehouse had the returned phone and SIM cards when I had the email confirmation from FedEx with all info including the signature of the person who received it. They had to “refund” me. As of now, we were told that we have to wait for the current billing cycle to end in order to get EVERYTHING such as many errors that were made on the account including the allotment until this Friday, April 21st to get cleared up. I sincerely hope that everything will be resolved on this date or else, we plan to file a complaint.


Problem Solver


908 Messages


Hi there! We wanted to check back in wit you as you mentioned you were told that these issues should be cleared up today, 4/21. Has this been resolved?

I no longer work for Comcast.



6 Messages

1 year ago

I'm not confident. As I've been in their same boat and all those resources you gave them lead to no where. Which is why we get on places like this in hopes of finding a real resource. They stated in their post that they already talked to several different people at different times and were told different things. why would, because you gave the number for them to call, yield them a better or good result...? Doesn't really make sense sounds like passing on the buck to me

Problem Solver


828 Messages



I can definitely see how this entire situation would be frustrating. I'd like to get you the right help. You mentioned that you have tried calling and chatting, and didn't get help. I'd like to start there first, since due to account security, our options with Xfinity Mobile accounts are very limited. We're not able to perform any device or account specific requests over this platform. When you called, did you use this number - 888-936-4968? You can also text that number as well. As far as the chat, have you tried their direct chat at xfinity.com/xfinityassistant/?channel=xMobile

I no longer work for Comcast.



3 Messages

@Hanesburn58​ It has been a complete nightmare. In all my years of being with a few wireless companies, I have never had an issue with both transferring phone numbers and trading in phones until we came here to Xfinity. This happened on March 20 and well it’s basically a month now and still trying to get this resolved especially when the error was made but the representative that I dealt with in the first place.



6 Messages

@user_c8794b I'm so so so sorry about this mess. If I were a rep there I would totally be embarrassed for my company and wouldnt stop until your issues were resolved. It's like it's not that hard if they actually cared then I KNOW for a fact the issues would be resolved, no problems. I've been having problem after problem with them since 2021, literally since day one...in the same category as you're having as well, transferring to them from my old provider...still not a single issue, has been solved only more complicated. I would leave, but I literally cannot get anyone to help me even do that! It's pure insanity. If I ever find a rep would will actually help me I will make sure to send them your way! I posted about my issues with them, but if course it isn't letting me enter the link on here, surprised? No? Me either! Haha. If I was a rep there I would be so embarrassed for my company and I wouldnt stop until these issues were solved. I know it can't be that hard it's just that if they actually cared, I know they would be easily resolved. It's clear they don't though. That's the most frustrating part I think. Anyways best of luck to you I really will send that good rep if I ever find them. My advice? Get out while you still can! Other wise you may end up like me, literally unable to and still getting billed for services that never even worked and for a phone that not only was supposed to be free but came broken as well, all since day one....so. I'll repeat. Get out while you can! 



6 Messages

@user_c8794b ....yeah don't know why it wouldnt let me edit or delete anything on that last post...so sorry for the obvious weirdness and typos and repeated sentences....this whole place is a dang mess. Wow...but no I don't have that bad if a memory I know I repeated myself but yeah...for whatever reason the forum is being crazy and now I can't even. Edit anything I type...lol so bad...

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