Sunday, January 14th, 2024 12:11 PM


Mobile Billing

I have spent countless hours speaking to numerous reps and several chat agents since November 27th trying to get my Xfinity mobile billing situation corrected. I screenshot the conversations and was told after I returned the phone, it would be deactivated and I would not receive any further bills. I returned the phone and it was deactivated. I didn’t need the phone to begin with, a chat agent told me I could get a bundle deal (internet and mobile) for $85 so I agreed. In our entire conversation it was never mentioned that I would receive a separate bill for mobile billing. I was rushed to sign the agreement “before it expired” by the chat agent.

When I received the phone, all I did was activate it then I turned it off. A month later I received an email stating I would be billed for $62.74 in addition to the $85 which is when I immediately started reaching out to Xfinity. I have been told refund checks would be mailed to me in 7-9 business days for the $62.74 (never received) and now today I was charged $27.92. The phone was deactivated and returned before the billing cycle. I spoke to the last chat agent twice within a months time (I can provide her name if needed) and one day she told me I’d get a refund, the next time I talked to her she said I wouldn’t get one. Can someone PLEASE assist and help correct the billing issue? I was wrongfully guided into the decision of enrolling in mobile services and not informed that this was a separate bill as it was presented as a “package deal”. 

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