New Poster
2 Messages
Lost giftcard
I got a giftcard recently for trading in my phone I haven't spent anything on it is there a way to get it reissued?
New Poster
2 Messages
I got a giftcard recently for trading in my phone I haven't spent anything on it is there a way to get it reissued?
Problem Solver
909 Messages
4 years ago
Hi there! We do offer a way to have the card re-issued if it qualifies. Please visit Xfinity Mobile Support Page for contact information. Our mobile team will be able to open a ticket for you to look into getting the Prepaid Visa Card reissued.
1 Message
3 years ago
I lost my gift card and looked everywhere for it..100.00 card..i get it reisdued?I will need to call because I could not find on line how to talk to someone to get the card reissued