3 Messages
International travel pass fee
I was charged more than $100 dollars on the international travel pass fees on the days I didn’t even activate the service. When I called, they refused to remove the overcharge even though they knew it was their problem. Xfinity should be sued for random billing people for the service they didn’t provide!!
Problem Solver
771 Messages
3 months ago
Here is the link to the Global Travel Pass FAQs: https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/global-travel-pass
Per the above support page, if you have signed up for the GTP, then it automatically activates if your phone makes a connection to an international carrier and a call, text, or any data is used intentionally or unintentionally.
If you have enabled Airplane mode your phone cannot connect to any carriers, so obviously you cannot activate a GTP.
If you turn off data roaming for your XM line, it should also not activate a GTP per the following link (not verified): https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/manage-international-settings
I hope this helps!
Problem Solver
771 Messages
3 months ago
To get results you may need to file a complaint with the FCC at the following website: https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us
Be aware that they will not resolve the issue, rather they forward you complaint to XFINITY and then they are required to contact you. Follow their instructions.
I suggest looking at your detailed billing with calls, texts, etc during your travel and making screenshots of the detail.
Official Employee
2.9K Messages
3 months ago
Hey there, user_coqz7e, thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forums regarding your International Travel Pass. We would be happy to take a look at your Xfinity Mobile billing details to ensure you were billed correctly.
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