Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023 9:51 AM


I live in the Portland, Oregon area has anyone found a good alternative to Xfinity as I can no longer deal?

 I have spent no less than 20 hours to date talking with Xfinity to fix problems mostly billing.  It never ends and I dread it so much.   Anytime I get a message/bill from Xfinity I immediately know I'm in for a battle. 

I still have not been able to get them to stop billing me for a mobile phone that was returned and they confirmed it was received.  They have had the phone for 3 (since June 23rd) months and promised me by October they would have it resolved.  Well, it is October and I'm still being billed.  I called and was on phone for over an hour with no resolution.  I'm actively researching a new provider as I can't continue with the abuse.  I plan to call the bank and block any future charges for the phone.

Oddly, they never have records of my previous conversations in their system even though I'm told they will be entered.

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