

7 Messages

Friday, December 2nd, 2022 4:26 AM


Get an iPhone 14 on us! - Promotion Monthly Credits

Hi Everyone, 

I'm having an issue here with Customer Service not finding my promotion on an order from September/October. I'm referring to the one provided to select accounts through Xfinity Rewards that provided a discount of $829 through 24 monthly payments. This is clear as day on the Order identifying the device cost and the discount, both identified "/mo for 24 months" as shown below. For my iPhone Pro the device payment should be $7.08 per month. Really nice promotion by the way. The problem is, the subsequent bill after paying initial taxes and my first device payment did not have the Promotional Credit.

I've reached out to support via chat, via phone. I was initially told the credit was supposed to only apply to the first bill. My account was then changed so that it aligned with the $400 promotion, not at my request or authorization!! The next agent kept requesting the promotional code. As if I saved the code that was used on the order from September. The last agent told me a Case was made, and sent to the Rewards team.

Needless to say, hours spent getting this fixed so far has gone nowhere. I met the promotional criteria by activating within the allotted time and transferring my number from another provider. This is clearly an error with the Billing System. I truly don't appreciate the Customer Support team flat out lying to me in a scramble. Asking for escalation hasn't made headway yet. Does anyone have any input I can share with their Customer Support to get this expeditiously resolved?  

Per the Order:


Picture below edited - Name, Phone Number, Device IMEI removed for privacy:

Accepted Solution



7 Messages

2 years ago

Update Update Update: Thanks for the badges thus far Xfinity Forums!. Anyway, I think I'll be playing the lottery a bit later. After speaking with several agents, some very rude, some very understanding but not helpful to say the least, I finally struck gold.

The order team confirmed the promotion had initially applied to my account but fell off. He was very kind but could not fix my issue. I was transferred for a call back holding period of "12-18" minutes but about 18 minutes in when I got my automated call back, it still puts me in a holding pattern for quite some time. The tech that I finally connected with during that window ended up providing me with credits of $100 for 4 months and a final credit of $29 to be applied to my account each month. This is to be applied upon my request before the end of the month until the credit of $429 is exhausted. The $400 existing credit that was applied without my consent is to stand. Thus making the promotion $829 and resolving things. 

A few notes here.

#1 I'm still not pleased with how all this played out. The time spent trying to connect to an agent was embarrassing in the beginning. Speaking with agents who basically call me a liar or make up excuses for dollar amounts on an order is very sketchy. That came from Advanced Support to the Level 1's. I was pretty level headed throughout this entire process but did speak to one irate agent who insisted without a doubt in her mind that no one got a free iPhone from Xfinity. This rep even decided to put me in a forever holding loop. I ended up keeping the line in conference and reconnected a call to a new agent on another line. I was disturbed a bit by that entire exchange and asked to file a complaint but was mildly brushed off. I feel like I work for Xfinity now that I've spoken to everyone everywhere and should have gotten a month's salary for this entire experience. 

#2 I was sent to an incentive department which turned out to be the department handling Visa Prepaid's. That is not the right department. 

#3 I did find the code I used during that Rewardathon. That didn't seem to do very much of anything. I don't know why I had it saved but some of the agents insisted on me providing it. 

#4 I have zero advice on how to approach a solution here with anyone. My initial tactic was to ask the teams to review my Original Order. That helped a lot today but I'm not sure why it didn't help before. I still stand with my review for now, Xfinity should not be your go-to for a mobile provider. If anyone would like to hire me to fix all the logistics involved, I'm very available for appropriate compensation. 

#5 Thanks to all who offered help. To all who got some help from this, good luck! Happy Holidays to everyone. 



15 Messages

2 years ago

Yeah, something is fishy with the incentive department… I haven’t got my Prepaid gift cards from the rewards program after buying the iPhone 14 either



234 Messages

2 years ago

@userDarnn Hi there, thank you for taking the time to reach out for assistance. It sounds like you need to speak with our Xfinity Mobile department, and it would be my pleasure to send over the correct contact information to do so. At the moment we are having some issues with our phone system, so the best way to reach out is using this link to chat https://www.xfinity.com/xfinityassistant/?channel=xMobile&linkId=123744261. I am confident they will be able to help. 



7 Messages

2 years ago


Hi back!

So Step 1) Contact Xfinity Mobile, perfect!

Step 2) And then what?? As stated, in the original post, they can't find my promotion and won't apply the appropriate device credit. They dropped me into a different promotion without asking. I want what my order stated, and billing correct. Not a bait and switch. 

Problem Solver


1.1K Messages

We'd be happy to get you in contact with someone from our mobile team to have this looked into further for you. Can you send us a DM with your name and address to start please? 


Here's the detailed steps to direct message us:

• Click "Sign In" if necessary

• Click the “chat" icon (upper right corner of this page)

• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

• Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list

• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

• Press Enter to send your message

I no longer work for Comcast.

Problem Solver


771 Messages

2 years ago

It looks like something went crazy on the XM site when you purchased the phone as evidenced by your screenshot above. I suggest looking at the following:

1.) Since the offer was from a claim on the Xfinity Rewards site, as stated above, log into the Xfinity Rewards site, internet not mobile. You should see your claim at the bottom of the rewards site. Take a screenshot. This was probably a or $150 or $300 prepaid debit card. 
2.) When you ordered your phone on the XM site you should have received several email, order, confirmation/receipt, shipment, and received. Is that what you copied above, or did you screenshot as you purchased?

3.) The issue really may be whether you are entitled to both the prepaid debit card and the $400 over 24 months billing credit. Maybe, maybe not? Usually the billing credit incentive terms explicitly state “May not be combined with other offers“, but no matter what, the prepaid billing card should not show as anything to do with your monthly payments and credits. 
4.) Check the incentive tracker to see if you may have the Rewards incentive still coming to you. It doesn’t always show it as it appears and disappears after updates. 

See if you can get a screenshot of the terms of the $400 incentive. You may be due both incentives. 

Good Luck




7 Messages

2 years ago

Great thoughts @Dave03

This was a targeted promotion not under a $400 incentive or prepaid. The Rewards site was handing out free movies, among other things during an event. Select members got discounts on the iPhone. I was lucky enough to have one that discounted the entire cost of an iPhone. The Reward was the monthly device credit ONLY for 24 months. That screenshot is from my order, telling me the cost of the device each month. I've found that others are having the same issue. The link below will take you to Slickdeals where you will find the exact same notes from others. For everyone's viewing pleasure, screenshots from the Rewards site. 

Slickdeals - Others are going through the same issue found here

Problem Solver


771 Messages

2 years ago

If you can prove that you activated the new phone within the required 30 days for a ported line, or 15 days for an upgraded line, then they should not have removed the $829 billing credit incentive. 

Then send your complaint to the FCC at


with your documentation. 

Good Luck



7 Messages

2 years ago

Certainly, that is the route a consumer should take. As a consumer, without understanding of their systems, it may not have been removed manually. It could have been improperly inputted into their Billing, and thus not something removed but something that failed to work. As in my case, I met all requirements and should be a simple bill-payer not having to contact them about their system not working. Yet, here I am, and others' are in the same boat. 

I have to give Xfinity Mobile time to correct the issue at hand, proof or not. It's their ordering system, they have access to all information. If they don't have access to correct this, can't see the order as it stands, etc  etc then we're talking about a third rate company here. I've been told this was a one time credit. I was given a phone number to their Rewards Department that didn't work. I was told this promo doesn't exist. Each time they come back and tell me all is good, the $400 discount is mentioned. Well, circle back, no I didn't sign up for a $400 program. 

I've asked for a call back and supervisor escalations. The last person advised I now have a Case open and I should wait for them to contact me. I'm giving them till Tuesday before requesting an update. I'm reaching out here to the community on what exactly I can do to help Customer Service recognize this is not simply a $400 account credit or debit card incentive, should that Case and call back dissolve.  Or perhaps a way to actually escalate past someone who can't fix my problem to someone who can. 

The relative steps for long term inaction should include a complaint there of course, as well as a formal letter to Xfinity Mobile, and preparations for Arbitration or Civil actions. Nowhere near all that Jazz. Thanks for your input nonetheless. 



7 Messages

2 years ago

Update: Nothing yet. I've had Mobile CS Agents transfer me to other Mobile CS Agents and even a transfer to Xfinity Internet CS Agents because they're not understanding my concern. A Case was supposed to have been made on my behalf but since I've received no calls, the team also isn't showing anything on their ends. I'll keep trying a few more times for a resolution but I am not recommending anyone use Xfinity Mobile and have already swayed several people. Please, do the same so that no on experiences this level of ball drop again. I'll provide an update if one is even given to this situation. 



7 Messages

2 years ago

Update Update: Agent "There is no Free iPhone program for Xfinity" Me: Ok so you're calling me a liar?" Agent: "There is no free iPhone program for Xfinity". Niceeee and then throws me into a silent queue. 

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