

4 Messages

Friday, May 19th, 2023 5:05 AM


False Advertising and Very Poor Customer Service

Several weeks ago, I purchased two I phones from my local XFINITY store.  I purchased them on the condition that I would receive two $150 visa gift cards in conjunction with my diamond status.

I finally received my reward but to my dismay I received only one $150 gift card.  I went to the XFINITY store and the both the clerk I purchased the phones from and the assistant manager told me that they would submit some sort of ticket and get it resolved.

A couple of days later I receive this email response, "Just following up on the ticket we created the other day.  I received the response that You have received everything from Xfinity rewards that you should.  The Diamond Reward $150 visa card was per account not per phone. There isn’t anything missing".

I follow up with this response to the store, "Thank you for looking into that for me I do appreciate it.  However, I believe the information you received from the rewards department was incorrect.  Please see the attached screenshots.  Both were obtained from the claimed rewards section of my account page.  Notice that the product benefits lists "each" mobile phone purchase not 'per account'.  Furthermore, the terms and conditions list " 10 eligible phone purchases per customer/account".  This would not make sense if it were limited to one per account as you have indicated.  I know you are busy but please re-confer with whomever responded to you and share the screenshots with them if necessary".

This is what I received as a response from the store, "I reconfirmed.  Best"

I follow up with this to which I receive no response, "Does this mean that customer support confirmed that I am not entitled to another reward despite what the screen shots say? Or does it mean that you resubmitted the inquiry to them and they are looking into it. Thank you for your time".

After waiting a couple of days I responded with this, "Please answer this email. If you have not/will not pursue this any further then just tell me so that I may proceed to pursue it another way. Thank you".

I received this, "

I have been out, I had surgery Tuesday.  I still have received only confident statements that you have received all the credits & prepaid visa cards you are entitled to. Be Well".

Now I am really frustrated.  Is it really that hard for the store assistant manager to tell me whether or not my ticket is still being looked into?  If COMCAST/XFINITY is going to advertise something they need to come through and deliver it.  Furthermore, it's not like I haven't been paying for premium tier service for the better part of 20 years.  Is this how XFINITY treats their customer base with proven longevity?

Attached are the screen shots I referred to in the post.  Names were left out of the email excerpts.

Trying this forum method because hopefully an agent will see this and respond/take some action.  Tried 1-800-XFINITY and the agent was not able to help me and gave me the number to the rewards department which I cannot call without taking off work because their operating hours conflict with my job.

Problem Solver


755 Messages

1 year ago

I doubt that any agent will see this post and respond!

Your best next step is to call the phone number on the Incentive Tracker, and get a live agent by clicking diligently or randomly, and saying agent or representative multiple times. Lots of fun! 

Unfortunately XM tends to mess up and incorrectly load the Xfinity Rewards conditions into the XM purchase and incentive program. Once they mess up it appears to be very difficult for them to fix, so they will issue a new ticket and maybe in 3-4 weeks you will see a new incentive item in process on the incentive tracker. 

Good Luck!



4 Messages

@DaveO3​ Thank you.  I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

Gold Problem Solver


3.4K Messages

1 year ago

Hello @user_ad1b74
Thanks for taking the time to reach out to us here for support. I do have to apologize though; due to account security reasons, we cannot help with this issue over this platform. For assistance with this matter, you can speak to one of our Xfinity Mobile Specialists by either calling or texting 1-(888)-936-4968, or you can chat with an agent at the Xfinity Mobile web page, the chat function will be located in the top right corner of the screen. 



4 Messages

@XfinityTambrey​ Thank you for responding.  I actually did call 1-800-XFINITY and I was transferred to the mobile department.  After being put on hold for the better part of 30 minutes, I was informed that the mobile department couldn't help me and was then directed by the customer service agent to call XFINITY rewards department at 1-800-526-3368.

The problem with this is that the rewards department operates on set business hours I believe between 0800-1600 EST which interferes with my work schedule.  Anytime I call XFINITY for anything I have to expect to be on the phone for at least 30 minutes, not counting the extra 10-15 or so it takes to get through the layers of recorded automated responses just to talk to a real person.

I guess I will have to try and find time to make the call.  I'm still frustrated and in particular that I couldn't get better service from the XFINITY store where I purchased the phones.  Anyways, thanks again for reaching out.


Problem Solver


755 Messages

I had the similar issues in getting my September 2022 $300 Rewards Incentive. Once I finally connected with the Rewards representative she created a new ticket. In 3-4 weeks they added the incentive to the incentive tracker and I received my Incentive debit card in the mail a week or so later. In my case XM forgot to include or existing Xfinity Mobile line in their computer system and removed the incentive when no line was ported from another carrier which obviously did not pertain to an existing line. 

However/Warning, since then I no longer see any 2023 Rewards on my mobile app, though I do receive their email. So, I have to call them again to fix the new problem. Argh. 



4 Messages

1 year ago

Update…I did manage to reach the xfinity rewards department by phone. The customer service agent looked up my account and told me, “I should have been eligible”. He then told me that he would elevate my claim. I received an email that my claim was approved and that my gift card was shipped about a week ago. I have not yet received the card but when/if I do, I will accept the xfinity agents response on this post as an accepted solution.

Problem Solver


908 Messages

@user_ad1b74 thank you for the update!!

I no longer work for Comcast.

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