Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 10:26 PM



[Edited: "Inflammatory"]

Dear Xfinity Mobile Community,

I want to share my recent experience with Xfinity Mobile, and I believe it's crucial for potential customers to be aware of the pitfalls that I encountered during my time with this service provider.

Intrigued by the enticing offers and promotions, I decided to switch from T-Mobile to Xfinity Mobile. An Xfinity agent assured me of a promotion that included a $400 discount for an iPhone and a trade-in credit of $300. These promises were the key drivers behind my decision to make the switch.

To my dismay, the actual experience was far from what I was promised. Not only did I never receive any information about the trade-in process, but when I sought clarification from another Xfinity agent, I was told that the initial agent's promises were incorrect. This was not only disheartening but also baffling. It's disheartening to see a company engage in such unethical practices, prioritizing sales over customer trust.

I escalated the issue to a manager in the hopes of finding a resolution, but all I received was an apology with no substantial solution or compensation. The entire experience left me frustrated and disillusioned.

I strongly encourage others to be cautious when dealing with Xfinity agents and not to take their words at face value. It seems that some agents will say anything to close a sale, with little regard for the truth or the consequences for the customer. Once you're locked into a contract with Xfinity Mobile, you may find yourself trapped in a web of disappointment and regret.

In light of my disheartening experience and the lack of accountability from Xfinity Mobile, I felt it necessary to share my story here. I hope my post serves as a cautionary tale for others who may be considering Xfinity Mobile as their service provider.

Please stay vigilant and make an informed decision when choosing a mobile service provider. Your hard-earned money and trust deserve better treatment than what I experienced with Xfinity Mobile.

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