Friday, November 10th, 2023 7:03 PM


Complaint: Extended Delays and Misinformation Regarding Phone Return

I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction and frustration with the handling of my recent attempt to return a phone, and the numerous challenges I have faced in the process.

On October 6th, I initially placed an order for an iPhone 15 Pro Max but later decided to cancel it. The customer representative, however, misguided me by stating that the phone had already been shipped, and instead of advising against accepting the shipment, suggested waiting for the phone to arrive so that a return label could be created.

The subsequent interactions with Xfinity customer representatives have been consistently misleading and have caused significant inconvenience. Here is a summary of the issues I have encountered:

  1. The first representative misguided me into waiting for the phone to arrive before attempting to create a return label.

  2. The second representative claimed that the phone needed to be activated to generate a return label, which was impractical for our situation.

  3. The third representative incorrectly provided a return shipping address, resulting in the phone being returned to me.

  4. The Xfinity store refused to accept the return, directing me to contact customer service once again.

  5. After multiple calls and visits, a ticket was created, and assurances were made that a return label would be sent within 24-48 hours. This promise was not fulfilled.

  6. Subsequent calls revealed technical issues causing delays, and despite promises to prioritize the matter, no resolution was reached.

  7. Conflicting information was provided about the status of the return label, with different representatives claiming it had been sent to my email on November 5th.

  8. Attempts to send the return label to multiple email addresses, including updating the information in your system, have failed, and I have not received the label.

This prolonged ordeal, spanning 37 days, has not only consumed a considerable amount of my time and effort but has also resulted in conflicting and inaccurate information from Xfinity representatives. I am reaching out to file a formal complaint against the handling of this matter, and I urgently request your immediate attention and resolution.

I kindly ask for a thorough investigation into this situation and a prompt resolution to ensure the return process is completed without further delay. Additionally, I would appreciate clear communication regarding the status of the return label and steps being taken to rectify the issues I have encountered.

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