

2 Messages

Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 12:09 AM


Can’t connect cellular to Apple Watch

I have found a solution that Xfinity failed to assist with.

I had this problem of trying to connect my Apple Watch to cellular and always got the “UH OH, SOMETHING WENT WRONG…” message at the very end. After one month of multiple calls to Xfinity I found the solution, no thanks to the tier 1 or 2 representatives. One vital step you must do on your end is go in to the Settings of your iPhone > Cellular > “Call on other devices “  MUST BE TOGGLE ON !!! the moment I found this feature toggle it on the Watch cellular service started to work Immediately! Once again this is a one of other steps along with making sure your “FaceTime and iCloud” accounts are signed on as well on both devices and you can do so by going to Settings> FaceTime. The first step is pretty much the key to the madness I’ve been going through for a month.

Your welcome Xfinity 



4 Messages

3 years ago

All these settings were turned on and I still cannot activate my series 7 Watch. It’s going on a month and I’m so frustrated with xfinity that I’m ready to switch providers.


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