

2 Messages

Wednesday, May 31st, 2023 10:28 PM


Cannot connect to secure XFINITY hotspot from Laptop(Win10) or Android

I can't connect to the secure XFINITY hotspot from both my laptop and Android phone. 

As the user ID i am using whatever it is that comes before the @comcast.net (ex. [Edited: "Personal Information"]). For the passcode I use my normal passcode that I use to log into xfinity.com.

Weirdly, I used to be able to sign into the secure network using my phone and computer until yesterday. What am I doing wrong, and what is the problem? 

The iterations of inputs i've tried for the win10 are

1. personal email listed on xfinity.com as my ID + passcode for xfinity.com as passcode 

2. xfinity email listed on xfinity.com as my ID + passcode for xfinity.com as passcode

3. phone number listed on xfinity.com as my ID + passcode for xfinity.com as passcode

4. xfinity email before the @(so i guess my user ID. an example would be "yournamegoeshere" of the " [Edited: "Personal Information"]")+ same passcode as above

5. personal email before the @ + same passcode

6. changed my passcode from xfinity.com and tried 1 through 5 all over again

The iterations of things I've tried on the android is

1. download xfinity hotspot app and log in, but the system doesn't automatically connect to the secure hotspot. 

2. do 1 and manually connect to the XFINITY wifi by using TTLS as EAP method, my userID as ID, my passcode as passcode, and not use CA authentication

3. do 2 but use CA authentication of the XFINITY_WPA_EAPIEEE8021x_TTLS_PAP_COM.COMCAST.hsf using TTLS and PAP

4. do 1,2,3 with all the iterations of email prefixes labeled above

What [Edited: "Language"] is going on?

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