Monday, September 30th, 2024 12:38 AM

can you help me to get my plan restored

our family has 6 mobile lines from Xfinity Mobile and was using the 10GB data share plan from Xfinity Mobile for a long time, The plan costs us $65 per month if data usage is less than 10GB, and we never used the mobile data more than 10GB.


One day in later July, I got a call from Xfinity about adding one line for a promotional price (I am not sure it $20 or $15) to get unlimited call and data plan, Since my son went to college and sometime he used more data than before, I thought it could be good to get a unlimited plan for my son.



So later I call back on 7/23 to ask if I could switch one of my existing lines for that promotional price, and was told YES, so I switched the (my son’s) line ending with 7359 to that promotion for unlimited plan.



The next day(7/24) I found that my son’s line actually the regular $45 unlimited plan from online account page, not the promotional price, then I called Xfinity with my line(one of the 6 lines) to ask to get the promotional price, during the call the agent was working on my request and my call is terminated and I called back immediately and then I found my get emails then I found all my other 5 lines are converted to the unlimited plan(and I was told my previous call’s unexpected termination was due to the plan upgrade). Once I found all my 6 lines are unlimited plan,  I realized I need to do some damage control and told the agent to switch all my lines to previous 10 GB data share plan to avoid further confusion, and was told only one switch per statement period, and I must call in 8/7, the last statement day, to get it switched.



On Aug 7th, at the last day of July-Aug statement period,  I called Xfinity and was told all my lines back to 10GB data sharing plan. I checked online account status and found the balance is updated with the right information, so I thought the issue resolved!



On Aug 14th I checked my account again and found my phone plans are in a weird status: 2 lines are in buy the Gig plan with 1GB data sharing, and other 4 lines are unlimited plan. I didn’t know what happened during this time(after Aug 7th to Aug 14th).


Stage-5 and later:

So I contacted Xfinity again on Aug 15th, the online chat agent assured me that will be fixed and back to 10GB data sharing plan for the next billing cycle starting from Sep 8th. When I asked about the current Aug- Sep billing cycle, I was told it will be based on existing plan balance(2 line with 1GB data plan + 4 unlimited lines), so I stopped chatting with that agent immediately and called right away to Xfinity and was transferred to a lady and seems she understood the issue I was experiencing and told me from next billing cycle, I will be with 6 lines to the by the Gig 10GB data sharing plan(Due to the 1GB data sharing plan error before, I double confirmed it would be 10GB data sharing plan), and my current billing cycle cost would be adjusted to my original $65 plan price.

So I have to wait to see the change in September after the Aug-Sep statement period over.


On Sep 8th I checked the account status in the morning, since no change at all(still 4 unlimited lines and 2 for One GB buy the Gig data sharing plan), I called Xfinity  and was told it would be all fixed and ask me to wait for one week to see the result. I checked later the same day and found all my lines switched to 1GB data sharing plan. I doubt if it would be switched to the 10GB data sharing in the future, so I called Xfinity on Sep 10th , and repeated the story, transferred several times, was told the 10GB sharing plan is not available and higher level leader approval and the restore process may take several process and asked me to wait for the next day to check result. I wait for two days and in morning of Friday Sep 13th , I found the 1 GB data sharing plan still with me, so I called again and was told the same thing: need high level permission and investigation need longer time and I will get a callback the next day about the same time.


On Sep 15th, After a 20 minutes call I was told the call will be terminated and a callback would follow. So I got a call back right after so we continued the discussion and I was told there is advanced team working on my case, and after more than 40 minutes of no updates from the agent, my call is back to main menu suddenly and I had to talk to an agent again with repeating the story.

After total 3 hours, I was told a ticket is created [Edited: "Personal Information"], which to restore my plan to 10GB, and was told need to wait for up to 7 days to see update but not guaranteed to be resolved


On Sep 17th  called and transferred to mobile care department, suggested to call the day before bill charging date(9/28) to see if bill amount charge not adjusted, and the request for the charging adjustment is a with a [Edited: "Personal Information"]


One Sep 27th I caledl Xfinity again was told the request to restore my 10GB data sharing  plan is denied because I was told a policy that if a customer switched away from that 10GB data sharing plan, the request should be within 30 days if the customer wants to switch back, so my request ticket is closed and they will do nothing for that. The only good thing is my Aug statement bill would be adjusted accordingly to my original 10GB data plan.



I attached the email to show the wrong change in stage 1 and also July statement to show the corrected plans and also the Aug statement to show the unexpected plan details, the Sep statement period will end on  Oct 7th. I can provide other emails notices about the plan changes if requested.


Currently, I am still in the buy-the-gig plan and get charged $20 per GB data, the current data usage from all my 6 lines is 7.3GB data so $160 at this moment, and definitely would cost more when the current period ends on Oct 7th.


After such a long period of back-and-forth, I felt so frustrated with what I have experienced from Xfinity Mobile, not only it’s unexpected customer service performance, but also its contradict policy. Let me summarized as below:


  1. the policy that Xfinity Mobile agent told customer is only one change allowed to switch the plan during one statement period, and this is not reasonable. If something wrong like agents didn’t do it right, like what happened in my case, a customer has to wait for a whole month to see if the wrong action get fixed. If not fixed, it’s already passed the 30 days limit, and the another policy like “once the customer switching away form 10GB data share plan, it can be allowed to switch back only within 30 days”, it is impossible for the customer to follow if any error occurs due to the agent’s mistake. A customer shouldn’t take that responsibility.


I believe my original 10GB data sharing plan should be unconditionally restored back to my account, since I didn’t ask for such a switch away and it’s the agent’s error, the 30-day rule should not be applied to my case

Official Employee


1.2K Messages

5 days ago

Hi there, @jerry_EB_NJ oh no, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience and the time you are taking to reach out to us regarding your Xfinity Mobile account, I understand how frustrating this is for you. Have you been able to get your Xfinity Moible concerns addressed, if not please don't hesitate to reach back so I can get you taken care of.-Richard

9 Messages

@XfinityRichard​ Thank you for you response. Someone from corporate did contact me and is working now to try to resolve the issue. Will let you know if the problem is resolved or not

Official Employee


1.2K Messages

Thank you for the update, @jerry_EB_NJ Thank you so much for the update, there a good team they will get you taken care of, I'll be here if you have any further questions or concerns.-Richard

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177 Messages

16 hours ago

You know you can go online and change the plans yourself... you should never call them for things like that cause they'll find a way to screw it up every single time.

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