1 Message
Xfinity Hotspot
For several weeks, I have been unable to connect to the Xfinity Mobile hotspot with my Xfinity mobile phone. I have been using this location where I work for about a year and a half. I get no prompts from the secured site, and sometimes with the unsecured site I get the prompt to log in, and approve the log in on the mobile app, but it never actually connect. It shows full signal, but “no internet” next to the connection.
With my iPad, I can connect to the unsecured Xfinity hotspot.
My mobile phone is an iPhone 13, iOS version 17.4.1
Official Employee
1K Messages
11 months ago
Hello RodgerC Our public Xfinity WiFi Hotspots offer a fast, reliable connection to the internet, and if the Mac Randomization feature is not turned on, our Xfinity WiFi hotspots will remember the device and automatically sign you in when in range. If you have the Mac Randomization feature turned on, you will be asked to sign in with your Xfinity ID and password if you haven’t accessed the network in six weeks or more.
Here is a link to our site that goes in more depth about this concern. https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/mobile-device-updated-settings