Friday, May 31st, 2024 3:58 PM


Wifi Calling not connecting and unable to text SOLVED!!!!

I have been fighting this since mid January when Xfinity either updated their my cable modem or changed a security setting on their end.   It had worked for over a year before this happened.  I have an Unlocked Samsung Note 20 Ultra 5G with AT&T and all of a sudden calls would never come through and i couldn't text.  I tried all the recommendations from using   2.4Ghz band to specific cellular settings and through trial and error at best got intermittent connectivity.  The final solution was to log off and forget all wifi connections and connect to the unsecured public xfinitywifi  SSID your router presents not the other ones you manage.  This SSID is available from all Xfinity modems so you can roam wifi etc.   I believe the fact that it is unsecured is why it works.  The normal secured ones that you create and name are subjected to security and IMO have IPSEC ALG enabled and interfere with the connectivity when using wifi calling.  I have had no issues since i tried this and hopefully never have the problem again.      

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