2 Messages
Complaint about Roaming Charges
Not that I expect this to go anywhere, since I have already been on the phone with Xfinity (with whom I have been a customer for over 20 years), but I am so angry I could spit.
I just received a bill from Xfinity Mobile with a roaming charge of $950. I was in Spain for 25 days during which time I activiated the Global Travel Pass option. At some point it was deactivated and they have accused me of doing so. Why the he!! whould I deactivate this when I am paying $10 (which I think is a ripoff as well), only to pay $30+ dollars a day. I want to go on the record to say that I in no uncertain terms did not deactive the option.
It appalls me that a company that is charging outrageous fees to begin with would try to rip anyone off. I will be canceling this account ASAP and will look at canceling the TV/Internet as well. I know that my one outrageously overpriced account is but a mere drop in the bucket. But for me it is the principal.
As much money as you are making why would you try to cheat your customers. What exactly does an addition $700 mean to you.
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
9 months ago
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