
Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023 3:44 AM


Xfinity phone suddenly stopped working with home phone jacks

We have had xfinity home phone for several years. Our landline phone outlet is connected to the modem and we have a phone base connected in the kitchen to the house phone jack. Suddenly about 2 weeks ago, we no longer get a dial tone. But we can plug in directly to the modem and the phone will ring. We are trying to troubleshoot why the phone jacks in each room are no longer getting a signal. We have gone under the house already and can see the phone lines are connected and no apparent damage.  Anyone have ideas why it would suddenly stop working?

Official Employee


992 Messages

1 year ago



Hi there! I would love to help with your phone troubles. If all connections seem to be fine, we may need to take a closer look. Please send me a message with your full name and address to get started.



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