2 Messages
voice signup FAILURE
Tried to signup for xfi-voice today. Got to the agreement screen clicked ok. A minute later the rep said they needed to send a tech to my house. ok A new screen came up with a (($100.00 dollar charge)) to have a service call. I asked why do I have to pay $100.00 for a service call if there is a problem with xfinity's system I refused. I purchased the modem they (approved and recommended.) $370.00 for the modem now $100.00 dollars for a service call.. I'm now the proud owner of a $370 dollar useless unneeded modem. So disgusted with xfinity"s scamming me. I recently signed a 3 year agreement on my internet plan or I would dump them completely.
Gee I wonder why you lost 1/4 million customers last year
I even called back later to see if the first rep was wrong
3 years and counting xfinity 3 years and counting
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
1 day ago
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