1 Message
Port-forwarding a landline question
I was going to try to port-forward my Xfinity landline to an Xfinity mobile number in a bid to get my elderly mother to use a smartphone. She's had the landline number forever and does not want another one. This is probably a dumb question, but if I port-forward a landline.......does the land line still work? My family and I want her to have a cell phone for emergencies, but I'd still like her to have access to the working land line as well.
Official Employee
331 Messages
1 year ago
@user_17f9c9 Hi there!
If you call forward a landline the landline would still work in terms of making outbound calls but if you set it to forward all calls then all calls would just go to the mobile line in that situation. This is a great link covering how to set it up as well as what it does.
Let me know if this helps 🙂.