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Monday, July 27th, 2020 3:00 PM


Poor phone voice quality, garbled and broken up. Some inbound calls not getting through. Chronic...

For several months now my phone line has been reported to be a very poor connection. I can hear the caller, but they have a hard time hearing me and report the call as very garbled sounding. I have captured this on voice mails I've left on my cell phone. Also some inbound calls only ring my phone once or not at all and either go to voicemail or just ring continuously on the caller's end. I've reset the modem, replaced the phone and had technicians out to the house twice who've replaced the modem and checked all the connections and can't find the problem. They have acknowledged there is a problem but the individual techs do not know how to solve it. I've been told the problem has been elevated to a "supervisor" and to be patient, but it's been almost a month since the last tech visit and the problem persists. I’ve had no updates or communications from Xfinity Comcast and my phone line is still intermittent and very poor voice quality. Can someone please get me in touch with a LOCAL Xfinity Comcast service representative who can explain what is happening and when I can expect my phone line to be fixed?

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3 Messages

4 years ago

The same thing for me!  Mine is a cordless Uniden phone with answering machine.  About 2 months ago I noticed I sounded like I was in an echo chamber when talking.  Then realized my phone rings half a ring then nothing.  The voicemail on my phone does not do any of the message recording and then I found out Xfinity voicemail is capturing my messages!  Sounds like they have tried to transition messages to their system and that is not what I want!  My answering machine should work, I should not have constant static and echo.  I'm ready to pack up this phone and the cable and send it back.  Over a year ago I found that my landline number was out of service and received absolutely little help until the corporate office became involved.  This is ridiculous. Paying way too much for unacceptable service



16 Messages

4 years ago

I thought it was my 10 year old cordless Panasonic, (which was an advanced model at the time). So 1.5 weeks ago, I bought a brand new Panasonic cordless, 2-phone model. This one cost $150 and is their best non-commercial, 2-handset, base unit with all the features.


I'm still unable to communicate to half of the incomming or outgoing calls. They're all broken up and then suddenly I get a clear connection (just like it was before I bought the new phone). However, that lasts about 5 seconds and then I can't understand them because they're voice crackles as if some wire is loose in the their phone. Then it would suddenly disconnect!


Keep in mind that I personally made certain I remained absolutely still and my handset was less than 5 feet from the base. This happens on both of my hand sets and even when I try to use the base. I called Comcast about it and was with a tech for 35 minutes as he tried a series of resets (or at least, said he was trying). Through out the entire time, I had no trouble hearing him.


I'm at aloss as to what to do but I don't own a cell. If I do buy a cell, I certainly won't keep a landline. I don't want a cell and I don't like telephones in general. It's bad enough dealing with one phone & line, and I'm not about to own two.


The issue has been getting worse, not better. It's unpredictable and the same caller I had problems with one day may not have any problems the next. Is Conmcast spreading themselves too thin? Are they stepping on their customers who pay for the Xfinity Plus packages, (500mbs downloads, that I have yet to ever see), as they try to filter back those who are not supposed to get that speed?


I don't know, but there was really no reason why my previous phone would have started acting up because it was not dropped or abused in any way. Still, I replaced it because I thought the issue was on my end and now, $150 later, and I have the same exact problem I had before I replaced the phone.



16 Messages

4 years ago

Still no change. I thought some nearby construction had something to do with it but it's been weeks since they completed what they were doing. Besides, this was an issue before that construction ever happened so I don't think they had anything to do with it.

The places I have the most trouble with are actually close by. The veterinarian clinic is less than 1.5 miles away and that's by roadway. It's less than 1/2 mile away 'as the crow flies'. I told several people, including one of the doctors that I wondered if it was a bandwidth issue on their end.

The clinic has at least 6 techs and two docs and each have at least one cellphone. In addition, they have several wireless printers and fax machines as well as all kinds of other wireless gadgets and TVs.

Couple that with the fact that I've noticed the phone problem seems to be at its worse at key times through the day. In the early morning, (9 or 10AM), between (12 and 1:30PM), and the absolute worst around 5PM to 7PM.

I think this could be an indicator that lines up with the highest events of cellphone use periods. I must wonder if the wireless traffic increases so much at these times that even those who may enjoy an 'infinite bandwidth' available, (if such a thing exists), will experience exceptionally bad service...

At this point I'm only guessing and I have no idea if the theory is even plausible.

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