Regular Visitor
8 Messages
No access to any Voice features, including Voicemail (app and web)
I ported my landline to Xfinity Voice about a week ago. Since activation, phone calls work fine (incoming and outgoing) but I've had no access to the settings for Voice features (voicemail, call forwarding, etc) via the app nor the website.
In the iPhone app, there is no indication that I own the Voice feature. There is no "Voice" icon, and Voice is not listed in the "Services" menu. Both Internet and TV are listed (I've had those services for a long time), but not Voice.
On the website, the only indication that I subscribe to Voice is a menu under my profile icon (top right) for Voicemail, but when I click on that, I get the following error:
I've talked with support 5 times (a total of 9 support people) over the past week -- with no resolution. In the last call, they talked with Level 3 support, and I was told this is a known issue with no ETA. I see many posts about an issue where the site keeps demanding a PIN, but my symptoms are different. I'm being told it's the same issue, but I've been told so much bad info over the past week that I'm skeptical. And it looks like that issue has been happening for over a month, which is not a good sign.
Other potential hint: I have Xfinity services at two addresses associated with the same account (email/password). When I log in, I select which address I want access to. One support person was convinced their systems were getting confused between the two properties -- only one of which has Voice. He had me talk with Customer Security Assurance to have then split the accounts apart. But when I talked to them, they declined to do so, said this isn't the problem, and routed me back yet again to basic support...
Is anyone else experiencing my symptoms? Any Xfinity experts who can confirm it is -- or is not -- the same issue?
Accepted Solution
Regular Visitor
8 Messages
6 months ago
With the help of the employees monitoring this forum, I got escalated to Advanced Tech Support — who were able to resolve my issue. Thank you!
Official Employee
1.4K Messages
6 months ago
Hello rdlm thank you for taking the time and relaying your experience with the Xfinity Voice features online. We're glad the core services are working great, and yes there have been a number of known issues with the Xfinity Connect website we are working on right now. The 2 accounts scenario shouldn't matter that much as when in the app it shows you what services you're subscribed to based on the selected location. Is this error happening on all web browsers, and also when in incognito mode?