ancient46's profile



129 Messages

Wednesday, March 11th, 2020 8:00 PM


Modem for phone use only

I am a customer whose was wired before wifi came to Comcast. So our home phome modem is in the basement and the intrnet modem is on the second floor. Due to a xfinity store foul up our original  wall mounted small phone modem was replaced by a huge standalone gateway that had the wifi turned off (harder than it should have been),  and no intrnet connected. 

What I want to do is buy a modem for less than $50 that will work with comcast's voice system instead of a DOCSIS 3.1 $160 modem. For all I care it could be a DOCSIS 1.0 internet one if the phone was still compatible.

xfinity actual voice service compatibility on this website's list is questioned by sellers. Since most of the information is internet related and not voice I wonder what to buy.

Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

5 years ago

An Arris 722 or 822, not sure of the cost (Google it), but they would be cheapest



129 Messages

5 years ago

Thank you for that information there are modems that have telephome service. there is a dearth of information available for telepony any more. I still remember the days you had to shut down your internet session to use the phone.

I do not know how to make this public, I assumed it was unless I made it private. What iam I missing?


Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

5 years ago

Thank you for that information there are modems that have telephome service. there is a dearth of information available for telepony any more. I still remember the days you had to shut down your internet session to use the phone.
I do not know how to make this public, I assumed it was unless I made it private. What iam I missing?
Sorry but none of this makes sense



129 Messages

5 years ago

I precede the internet not to mention WIFI. I have two modems in my house, in the basement for vouce and  one onthe second floor for internet. Even though the basement modem was internet end of life for the internet it was still fine for voice. My aim was to buy the cheapest modem that worked with voice and its internet function was of no interest.The max internet speed for the one I purchased is for 260 mpbs but it it comcast certified for voice.



192 Messages

5 years ago

You can find any Comcast compatible modem that also allows for your Comcast voice service here:


More information can be found here:


Hope this helps



129 Messages

5 years ago

We have been cstomers sincw 1997 and until a xfinity store caused problem we were using a modem that was installed after we moved in here. I used this modem for voice until the store marked it and my owned internet modem destroyed. Now I have a DOCSIS 3.0 modem in the basement that I want to replace. If a modem works for voice I do not care what about the internet speed.

That is my problem. I would like to find a modem for one third the cost of the ones listed.



Official Employee


500 Messages

5 years ago

Ancient46 -


I'm sorry if there was any confusion at our Xfinty Stores.


We now use DOCSIS 3.0 and above devices on our network, so it may have been necessary to replace an older device if a change was being made to your account.


Question: if a new device was given to you and it is working, what is the reason for wanting to replace it?  If you are paying a fee to lease a device for Internet service but require a second device for phone service due to needing to place it in a specific area in the home, there is no additional fee for that second device.  If you are being charged two fees in error, give us a ring and we can fix that.


If for another reason you wish to own your telephony device and are looking for a compatible, lower-priced model, you can find them online or in some cases, at electronics retailers.  Here are some models to look for: Arris TM722G, Arris TM822G, Arris TM822R,  Netgear CM500V.  


Hope that helps!

New Poster


1 Message

4 years ago

What selections do you need to make on the phone tree when you call to get to someone to set up one modem for voice only in the basement and another for Interent on the second floor?  When I talk to techincal support they say I have to pay for two interent services which doesn't seem right.

Official Employee


500 Messages

4 years ago

robertfsadler -


Our policies have been revised in some markets this year and there is now a separate fee for customers who wish or need to modify service to include two devices (one to support Internet and one to support Voice).


If you PM me your account information, I can check on the policy in your area.


Note that relatively few customers currently have this configuration and in most (but certainly not all) cases, we can install one device and run a coaxial outlet and/or wiring to a phone jack to support both services.





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