2 Messages
landline calls disconnecting and cable not working after new modem installed by xfinity
My 96 yr old legally blind mom has been having multiple issues with both her cable & landline phone ever since a new modem was installed by xfinity. If she is on the phone for roughly 6 1/2 minutes the call will just disconnect. After she calls me back I am able to talk as long as needed. She has a second phone that will disconnect after 29 minutes. Would love to be able to find a fix for this. Also the cable in her bedroom rarely works. I can sometimes get it to work if I restart everything remotely but it's ridiculous that this has to be done daily!
Official Employee
1.2K Messages
4 months ago
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2 Messages
4 months ago
I have fixed the landline problem by disconnecting multi phone jackline splitter (had to get rid of one of her cordless phones) & plugging her 2nd phone directly into the modem. Also I plugged the modem directly into a wall plug ( it was plugged into a multi plug adapter). Also, the phone where she talks for longer than 30 min I plugged into Tel 1 slot, otherwise calls would disconnect after 29 min.