Sunday, November 26th, 2023 2:43 AM


arris t25

Based on Comcast recommendation/compatibility I purchased Arris T25 modem so I could add Xfinity voice (previous modem Arris SB8200 not phone enabled). After 3 weeks of wait/failures for phone service to be added and a marathon 5+ hour chat/phone support session to get back on line, Comcast tells me the T25 supports phone but not internet. Had to spend another hour reinstalling old modem and resetting up wireless network. Hoping I can return T25 modem, but need some support as to why. Anyone else have this issue>??? Need Explain it like I’m 5 reasons (even though I experienced user)



35 Messages

1 year ago

I have the Arris T25 and it works just fine for both voice and internet.  I have it on the 1gig speed tier.  It’s on their recommended list so I’m surprised they couldn’t set it up for you.

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