Friday, August 2nd, 2024 2:53 AM


Voicemail on landline not working

When someone calls my landline and it goes to voicemail, the outgoing automated voicemail says,” the mobile number you are calling is not available, please try your call again later” it then disconnects without giving the caller the ability to leave a voicemail.  Approximately 20% of the time the caller only hears a fax  machine like sound and then is disconnected.

It is my landline voicemail. I do have my voicemail through you,  I do not have a fax machine. My voicemail used to work and callers used to be able to leave messages.

I have tried going through the 99 menu and creating my own voicemail outgoing message hoping it would override the automated one - it does not.

I have spent almost an hour on your chat line and was transferred to 3 different people. I was promised they would be able to fix it - but that didn’t happen.  Instead the chat was abruptly ended.

I called your 800 number, the man thought he had it fixed but alas he did not.

I have numerous health issues and need to be able to have my medical team leave voicemail messages for me.


Official Employee


1.5K Messages

7 months ago

Hello, @user_cfe22i. We appreciate you reaching our team on Forums regarding your voicemail concerns. I'd like to help troubleshoot the issue, please send a DM with your full name and full service address to further assist.

Here's the detailed steps to direct message us:

• Click "Sign In" if necessary

• Click the "Direct Message” icon (upper right corner of this page)

• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

• Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list

• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

• Press Enter to send your message

4 Messages

Your Direct Message instructions do not work on my iPhone.  This entire interaction with Xfinity in an attempt to get my landline voice mail functioning correctly is extremely frustrating. Please provide an alternate method of contacting you

Official Employee


2K Messages



I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing difficulties with the Direct Message instructions on your iPhone. I understand how frustrating this situation has been, especially with the ongoing issues with your landline voicemail. Let's work on getting this resolved for you. Can you let me know what occurs when you use the steps above and what issues you're running into? 


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4 Messages

Thank you, I got the DM to work on my IPad and sent one describing my issue.  I am very much hoping someone will fix it SOON.

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