8 Messages
Voicemail Help and Complaint
I have been on and off the phone with Xfinity/Comcast Business since March and it is July. No one is keeping good notes on what I am asking, and no one is solving my problems.
There should be notes from all of my calls and the most recent issue is my main phone number (I have 2) isn't showing up on the online voicemail portal.
In March I tried to switch to Comcast Business because a sales person called and said I would get the same products for way cheaper. Turns out it was way slower speeds and barely cheaper. This is called a Bait and Switch marketing tactic.
I requested to be switched back to my Xfinity Residential account as I was assured I could do with no issues.
Here were/are the issues -
Comcast/Xfinity couldn't port the phone numbers back to Xfinity with the grandfathered package I was on for almost 2 decades.
Comcast/Xfinity couldn't port the phone numbers for MONTHS. I called, they called, they sent someone, he called someone, they made me go to the location, the location made me call, etc.
FINALLY somehow both phone numbers were working and calling.
Within a week, the voicemail somehow became disconnected and required setting it up again. Even after setting it up a random phone number is on my portal and I cannot view my voicemails because of it.
I have been on the phone every day I can call for over a month now just to solve this voicemail issue and no one can fix it.
I ask for a supervisor, they reach out to another department, someone hangs up on me. They call back on the office phone after hours, they call on my day off, they mark off "2 attempts to reach customer" and stop following up. I reach out again, ask... BEG for help, they say they will take care of it and be the last rep I speak to, they need 24-48 hours before calling back, they call back when I'm not in the office, they call on Sunday, they mark off "2 attempts to reach customer" and stop helping.
Send help. SOS. Please. Anybody. [Edit: PII] - is this really how you treat lifelong customers?
8 Messages
8 months ago
It's been 24-48 hours (the timeframe I am always told by Xfinity) and no one has responded to this...