Hello @user_qutm4j, Have you signed up for our home phone service? If so, I have a link from our famous help and support site which goes into how to set up your voicemail from your home phone line at https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/setting-up-voicemail.
Our help and support site also has lots of tips and troubleshooting steps for all our services.
If you do not have our home phone service we can help you with adding it.
Official Employee
1.3K Messages
1 year ago
Hello @user_qutm4j, Have you signed up for our home phone service? If so, I have a link from our famous help and support site which goes into how to set up your voicemail from your home phone line at https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/setting-up-voicemail.
Our help and support site also has lots of tips and troubleshooting steps for all our services.
If you do not have our home phone service we can help you with adding it.