Sunday, March 31st, 2024 3:08 AM


How do you turn off the [Edited] voicemail

There's no [Edited: "Language"] option to turn off the [Edited: "Language"] voicemail on any [Edited: "Language"] menu what [Edited: "Language"] is wrong with your [Edited: "Language"] company. 

Just plainly and simply let me know how to turn the [Edited: "Language"] voicemail off cuz I don't want your [Edited: "Language"] voicemail

Official Employee


1K Messages

1 year ago


user_51ubkz Hey there! There is a way to disable voice mail but that would be to remove the feature from the account completely. Did you want to keep voicemail as an option?I can help make the change if you would like this removed. Otherwise, changing the number of rings before call is also a good option, here is a link to getting that done: https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/change-number-of-rings-before-calls-are-forwarded


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