

3 Messages

Thursday, July 14th, 2022 2:59 PM


Change outbound caller ID name

I would like to change my outbound caller id from the name on my account to a different name. Thank you.

Resolved through phone support.

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

3 years ago

Hello @user_d46efa, we appreciate you reaching out to our Digital Care Team. Were you able to make the change you were requesting assistance with?



3 Messages

3 years ago

Actually no, I called phone support and we went through the process of changing my outbound caller id name, but it has not changed. I dont know if it takes some time, but when I call people they still see my original a caller id info. Thank You.

Gold Problem Solver


259 Messages

Oh no, I'd be happy to take a closer look into the account to ensure all the correct steps have been taken to change the outbound caller ID. 

Could you please send our team a private message with your first and last name, and address for further assistance?

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  • Click "Sign In"
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  • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
  • Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
  • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
  • Press Enter to send it

I no longer work for Comcast



1 Message

2 years ago

Critical - issue - my outgoing call ID display name is incorrect - how do I change it?  I Have tried to change it via the app - no luck.   I tired calling support - no luck.  HELP 

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

@user_0251eb Thank you for reaching out on the Xfinity Community Forums. I am happy to assist you. Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.

To send a "Direct Message" ("Private") message:
Click "Sign In" if necessary
• Click the "Direct Message chat" icon
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
• Press Enter to send it

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
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77 Messages

I have long had the same issue.   People who don't know my number by heart might just assume I'm phoning to get them to buy a car warranty or to push them into a Jimmy Walker Medicare Part C plan!    

I mean come on!  Caller ID technology is over 30 years old.  Surely it should not take years for Xfinity Mobile to allow its Users to quickly go into their account and check which  name/number display options (or "Private" for those who wish for that) s/he would like to appear when contacting someone from their device.   

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