lisas1031's profile

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9 Messages

Monday, May 20th, 2024 6:53 PM


Caller ID not displaying with Xfinity Voice service

Caller ID stopped working sometime while we were away this winter.  Services were on vacation mode from late Jan thru mid April so maybe that's the issue?  Was fine before we left.

Problem Solver


639 Messages

10 months ago

The most common reason you will not see the caller id on the TV is because it is turned off under settings on the X1 cable box.

Ty these steps. 


1. Using the remote, press the Xfinity button.
2. Highlight Settings (the gear icon) and press OK.
3. Highlight Preferences and press OK.
4. Highlight Notifications and press OK.
5. Make sure Xfinity Voice is turned “ON”

Good luck!

Official Employee


1.2K Messages

10 months ago

Hey there, @lisas1031!  Thank you so much for taking the time to reaching to us on the Xfinity Forums. I am sorry to hear about the Caller ID not working.  We can certainly take a look a the account and ensure it's resolved. 


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