Saturday, April 20th, 2024 9:25 PM


Bulk Delete Landline Voicemail Messages

My Mom couldn't figure out how to get messages. Now there are over 100 in the *99 voicemail box. How do I get rid of them?

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

10 months ago


user_guyonna Thank you so much for your post on how to delete voice mails. While listening to the voice mail by dialing *99 if you press 7 it will delete the message. With this number of messages, you may want to use the Xfinity voice portal using the steps below. As you can see there is a trash option you can use to delete any unneeded messages.

Sign in to Xfinity Voice using your Xfinity ID and password.

Find the voice message you want to listen to and click the Play button. 
Screenshot of the Voicemail section within Xfinity Voice. A voicemail is displayed with information about the caller, incoming phone number, and location. Within the voicemail display, the Play button is a small triangle inside a circle on the left.

Screenshot of the Voicemail section within Xfinity Voice. A voicemail is displayed with information about the caller, incoming phone number, and location. Within the voicemail display, the bar shows the voicemail is playing.

  If the Xfinity voice link above does not take you directly to the voice portal please try: https://connect.xfinity.com/voicemail
[edited: added alt link/URL]


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