user_ylouwm's profile

Monday, December 16th, 2024 10:58 PM

Sorting forum posts by date and time

Is it possible to have the forum software sort posts, replies, comments, et cetera by date and time? If so, I haven't found the magic.

10 Messages

3 months ago

Five days and no responses ... has anyone from Xfinity, or any user who knows how this forum works, read this? Sorting by date and time is pretty basic stuff, and the fact that this forum software can't do it - or that it makes it impossible to find the option for setting it - doesn't speak highly of its developers. Whoever they are.

Official Employee


2K Messages

Hey there user_ylouwm Thanks for the response, and we are here to help you out with sorting our post over our Forums. Whenever you are on the home page of our Forums scroll down then you will see our "latest topics" select "view more" under that. After you have selected that you should be able to adjust the advanced filters to look for our latest post. I hope this helps!


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Gold Problem Solver


26.3K Messages

3 months ago

Is it possible to have the forum software sort posts, replies, comments, et cetera by date and time? ...

On a search results page you can change the default "Relevance" option to "Most Recent" to display results in date/time order. There are other options hiding under "Relevance", and a few more under "Advanced Filters". But the Forum's Search facility is so flaky that I often use{searchterm} instead.

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10 Messages


First, thanks for taking the time to help. As you've probably surmised, I'm new to the "Forums" despite being a long-time Comcast customer.

I'd seen the features you mentioned. They help somewhat, but are spotty. And you're right about the site being so flaky as to be (largely) useless. Other questions...

[o] Are any of the "XfinityBubba" personalities actual humans, or are they all 'bots?

[o] And, although this may be "beyond the scope of your contract" as a Good Samaritan, I've yet to find a way to do a "Direct Message". As I posted in response to a reply from one of those XfinityBubbas who invited me to message him, he and the other personality who've invited me to respond don't show up in the "To:" pull-down menu (and the text box from which the menu pulls down doesn't support typing into it).

Anyway, I've essentially given up on the "Forums". I flogged my way through the Xfinity maze early this morning and conducted an SMS session with a guy in India who was only as helpful as he could be, but scheduled us for an on-site visit from an Xfinity tech ... who I'll buttonhole to see if we can get to someone who knows the details of what I suspect is causing our problem (i.e. changes in Comcast's VoIP  protocol stack).


p.s. I see your caveats re "Reply" and "Comment", but don't grok which is better under what circumstances ... so I "compromised and did both".


  -- Karl S. alias user_ylouwm

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

Hello @user_ylouwm we're so sorry that your experience on the Forums has been less than ideal. We would still love to help in any way we can regarding the home phone concerns, so please message us 1-1 when you have time.  

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10 Messages

3 months ago

Please see "Reply" posted 2024-12-22 at 16:30 Mountain Standard Time.

Gold Problem Solver


26.3K Messages

3 months ago

[o] Are any of the "XfinityBubba" personalities actual humans, or are they all 'bots?

Sadly, they're all actual humans. You can tell because no bot would . . . uh, that is, a bot would be more helpful and understanding.

[o] ... "Direct Message" ... (and the text box from which the menu pulls down doesn't support typing into it).

It does if you are logged in to the Forums, and if you first click or tap the "pencil and paper" icon on the DM page. Then you type the name of the "role" account "Xfinity Support" into the text box, not the name of the employee who invited you to DM.

"Reply" and "Comment" ... so I "compromised and did both".

That works! My only problem with Reply is that (one of the Forum's many bugs) I don't get any notification for Replies, only for Comments. So when posters Reply I don't know about it unless I happen to trip over it later on.

Please be aware that there are 2 kinds of responses in this Forum: Replies and Comments. When you Comment on a post by scrolling down to "Comment on this post here...", I am notified of your response. But if you select Reply, I am NOT notified and may not be aware of your response.

10 Messages

Ah, "Xfinity Support", of course! That does indeed get me farther, thanks. Now I can actually try messaging the couple of Xfinity staffers who've responded to my previous posts (bots or otherwise). Now, another question: what are the subtleties of using Direct Message vs. Reply vs. Comment. (The name suggests that Direct Messages are seen only by the addressee, but it's all rather ill-defined.) By the way, if there's anything posted on the site itself that goes more into detail on those things, please just point me to it rather than taking the time to explain it yourself ... you've already been more helpful than I have a right to expect. Since you're not "XfinityBruce" I'm guessing you're not getting paid for helping clueless newbies.


10 Messages

3 months ago

Please see "Reply" from 2024-12-23 at 16:55

Gold Problem Solver


26.3K Messages

3 months ago

... The name suggests that Direct Messages are seen only by the addressee ...

Correct. They are only visible to the sender and the recipient.

... Reply vs. Comment ...

Both are visible to anyone. Some notes:

... if there's anything posted on the site itself that goes more into detail on those things ...

Not that I know of. mentions both, but doesn't really say how they are different or when you should use which one.

Likewise, summarizes the rules for Direct Messages, but doesn't explain them.

IMHO documentation has never been a strong suit for Comcast/Xfinity.

Class adjourned!  :-)

Please be aware that there are 2 kinds of responses in this Forum: Replies and Comments. When you Comment on a post by scrolling down to "Comment on this post here...", I am notified of your response. But if you select Reply, I am NOT notified and may not be aware of your response.


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