Hello @user_94e8cf , Thanks so much for taking a moment out of your day to leave a post on our community forum. Our team would be more than happy to help! To get started, please create a public post without your account information, and please provide as many details about your experience, questions, or concerns as possible. Doing so will auto-open a ticket in our system, and we can assist you in the order your request is received. It just helps other members of the community with similar issues to find the answers they need.
Official Solution
Official Employee
1.5K Messages
2 years ago
Hello @user_94e8cf , Thanks so much for taking a moment out of your day to leave a post on our community forum. Our team would be more than happy to help! To get started, please create a public post without your account information, and please provide as many details about your experience, questions, or concerns as possible. Doing so will auto-open a ticket in our system, and we can assist you in the order your request is received. It just helps other members of the community with similar issues to find the answers they need.