Saturday, November 9th, 2024 1:16 PM

voice remote sling

All of a sudden when I use my Remote and say "Sling" it says "That app is not available yet on this device."  All the other voice commands work and I've not had a problem with this for at least a year, and I can  launch Sling from App's on the Xfinity screen but that takes forever.  What happened?  

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3 months ago

Hey there, user_uyizbq! Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out to us here on the Xfinity Forums. That is certainly strange as the voice command should work with all available Apps on the Flex device. When it pops that message, is there an error code with it on the bottom right? Have you completed any troubleshooting sets with the device? If not, I would recommend resetting the Flex device, and uninstalling Sling and installing it again. Please let us know if that helps with the voice command. 


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