

4 Messages

Monday, June 6th, 2022 2:24 AM


Unpausing Xfinity Flex Tv Box

I haven’t been able to unpause my flex box for 3 days. I’ve tried resetting the box and it doesn’t work. How do I fix it?



4.2K Messages

3 years ago

Greetings, @RioJAnder! Thanks for reaching out to us on the Forums! I hope you are having an amazing day! I apologize to hear that you are having issues with trying to unpause your device. Please have a look at pausing devices as this should work with the xFi app. You will need to scroll about halfway down to see info about pausing and unpausing devices. If you have already attempted to do this through the app, please let us know! 




4 Messages


Theres not a button to unpause the device. All of my other devices do and the flex box won’t unpause.

Problem Solver


954 Messages

Let's get your account pulled up and take a deeper look into what may be causing this. 

Please send me a direct message with your first and last name, along with your complete service address to “Xfinity Support”. To do so, click on the chat icon located at the top right of this forums page.   

Here are detailed steps to direct message us:  

  • Click "Sign In" if necessary 
  • Click the direct message icon
  • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon 
  • Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list 
  • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window 
  • Press Enter to send your message 

I no longer work for Comcast.



1 Message

Go to the app Xfinity on your phone find the flex and remove your Flex hit forget device about 4 times to unpause it thats what i had to do and it unpaused everything



1 Message

3 years ago

I’m experiencing the same exact problem. Flex is the only device that I can’t unpause.  I was on chat/phone with customer service and was transferred to 3 different reps for an entire hour for them to tell me the same thing over and over again. Restarting doesn’t help and now I have to wait another hour for someone to call me back and assist further…..still not able to use my device.



4 Messages

@user_4f752e​ i sat for 3 hours explaining my problem to 4 customer service representatives just for them to suggest ways to solve things that had nothing to do with my issue. i’m just going to exchange my flex box at xfinity tomorrow since nothing is working and no one seems to be able to help. 

Valued Contributor


406 Messages

We just wanted to check in on this. Were you able to get the Flex issue resolved?

I no longer work for Comcast.



6 Messages

@XfinityTimothy​ I have the same problem. How could I fix it? Thank you



1 Message

3 years ago

Same issue?! Any luck in solving it!? This is ridiculous. 



4 Messages

@user_d22486​ no help, but i’m just going to exchange my box for a new one tomorrow and hopefully it works. i’m also just going to refrain from pausing my flex again in the future to not have to deal with this again.

Gold Problem Solver


541 Messages

Good evening, @RioJAnder and thank you for coming back over to the Community Forums! It looks like we have a Private Chat in progress to work with you on this issue. If you're planning on heading to the Xfinity Store tomorrow, we'll be glad to follow up with you there to ensure your equipment swap was successful! Thanks so much for all your time, and have a great evening! 




I no longer work for Comcast

Official Employee


2K Messages

Hello, @user_d22486! Thanks for commenting on our community forums. Are you experiencing the same issue when trying to pause the device? What troubleshooting steps have you taken so far? 


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6 Messages

@XfinityDilary​ I have the same problem. How could I solve it?



6 Messages

@XfinityMacey​ I have the same problem. How could I fix it? Thank you



1 Message

3 years ago

Hello I have the same problem and still no help I don’t find the unpause bottom

Problem Solver


571 Messages

Hi, there! @user_d764f4 I just want to confirm with you are you having troubles unpausing a show on your Flex device? Or did you set up the Flex box to be paused temporarily from being able to connect to your in-home network and not able to unpause it? 


I no longer work for Comcast.



1 Message

Same issue. I can unpause all devices except the flex. Stupid

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

Welcome to our community forum, @user_486488! I want to make sure your equipment is working properly so you can enjoy your service :). Did you pause the internet connection on the Flex box and now you can't reconnect? 

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
We ask that you post publicly so people with similar questions may benefit from the conversation.
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1 Message

Same issue, paused two wireless boxes and don’t cannot unpause. All other devices can be paused and unpaused.



6 Messages

@XfinityAlisha​ I have the same problem. I cannot unpause my flex box. How could I fix it? Thank you



1 Message

3 years ago

Cannot unpause my flex box been 3 hours

Problem Solver


785 Messages

@user_7b252c Thank you for reaching out and bringing this to our attention. I can see how this would be frustrating. Is the Flex box still not responding?


I no longer work for Comcast.



6 Messages

@XfinityTimothyA​ I have the same problem. I cannot unpause my flex box. How could I fix it? Thank you



2 Messages

3 years ago

Good God… What is this mess? 

Problem: If you go to the Xfinity App or Page and go to the Connect Page/View to see devices, pausing a Comcast Flex Box will render it in a state where it can’t be unpaused by the User Interface. Any other device, if you pause, an unpause button will be available. A Comcast Flex Box seems to be a different device object.

Solution: In the Connected devices menu, select the Flex Box. Select ‘Assign this Device’ and assign it to a person or Household (I used Household). Then go to the Household/Assignee and it will still show the Flex Box as paused and have a button saying ‘Pause All Devices’. To Unpause, add another device to the Assignee, then select ‘Pause All Devices’. [Note, don’t add the device you’re using to access this page/app like your phone or computer]. After pausing, you’ll see a button to ‘Unpause All Devices’. Do that and it will restore your Flex Box. After this, you can undo the assigning of devices if you like.

This requires an engineering fix, there is a bug, and this is a working hack/workaround (hopefully it helps others).

If Comcast engineering needs ti contact me, please feel free to.



6 Messages

@ugar_comments​ this worked. Thank you for saving my weekend!

Official Employee


263 Messages

3 years ago

This issue should be fixed now, can you please test and let us know if your able to unpause/pause your Flex devices now?



2 Messages

@XfinityChad2​ Hi, recently saw your post and just checked, I’m not sure what the fix was supposed to be. From my end, it looks like the Flex box no longer has an individual pause/unpause option like other devices and now can only be paused/unpaused after assigning to a group/person.


Flex Box was assigned to a group (Household). I removed the Flex box from the group. There is no option in to pause when checking the Flex box from the Connected Devices menu. I tried restarting the app in case it was a caching issue.

So it looks the fix is to not allow a Flex box to be paused/unpaused outside of an assigned group/person?

I’m on the latest iOS version (15.6.1) and Xfinity app (4.15.0).


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