Saturday, August 12th, 2023 6:39 PM


Missing Flex Box & Replacement

We received a free Flex box a couple years ago and when we renewed our plan last year, we got a second one. Well, between a new baby and storage unit, we can’t find our second flex box. How do we go about getting it replaced? :/

Official Employee


660 Messages

2 years ago

Please send us a  message, so we can look into this. To send a message: 

  • Ensure you are first signed in, then you will see a chat box icon at the top right of your page. Click that or follow this link here: https://forums.xfinity.com/direct-messaging
  • From there, click the 'New Message' icon. In the 'To' field, type 'Xfinity Support'.
  • Type your message in the text area that appears at the bottom of the window and hit enter to send. An official employee, such as myself or whoever is first available, will respond. 

To expedite your request, we ask that you please include your name, the account holder's name (if different), and the service address alongside a detailed summary of your request/question. 


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