3 Messages
How to stop flex box from going into sleep mode
There have been a lot of posts and complaints about the fact that you cannot stop your Flex box from going to sleep. It does not appear that Xfinity will ever fix this or wants to. There is a workaround, but it takes a little work. Here is what you can do:
1) Buy something like the Broadlink RM4 Smart Hub or Broadlink RM4 Pro. The RM4 is an IR Blaster and the RM4 Pro does both IR and RF. (Amazon has other cheaper brands, I cannot vouch for them)
2) The Broadlink can learn the “Play / Pause” button via the app.
3) Using the app, you can set a “Scene” that pauses the box, waits a second the starts the box again.
4) Then create a “Routine” to run every three hours that calls the “Scene”. You actually have to make a routine for each 3 hours, so I have 8 routines. (The box is supposed to shut off every 4 hours, but I think it is less which is why I have it run every 3 hours).
This took me about an hour to setup.
Hope this helps someone!
3 Messages
1 year ago
After using this for a while, instead of using the Play/Pause as I describe above, I have replaced that with just using the "OK" button. This still stops the box from going to sleep, but instead of pausing for a second, it just shows the progress menu for 4 seconds on the bottom of the screen.