215 Messages
Flex Box Question !!!
Just me and my wife at home now. Until recently we had 5 cable boxes in the house. Took back two when the price went to $8.50 each. Down to 3 now and all are the old non X1 boxes that have ON Demand but don't record anything. One box is in a spare bedroom that rarely gets watched. If I take this box back to save another $8.50 monthly can it operate with only a Flex Box. The TV in that room is a non Smart TV but I was wondering if I could get anything for any quest we might have in that room with only a Flex Box hooked up. Thank you for any information,
Official Employee
263 Messages
3 years ago
Flex is an account-level product, not a device level. Unfortunately, the current product construct only allows one or the other, you can not have both in your house. If you have a SmartTV that supports the Xfinity Stream app, you can use that as your "set-top box" and eliminate the $8.50/mo charge.