Thursday, October 19th, 2023 1:07 PM


Disable screensaver

Xfinity is clearly not listening to customer feedback so I will continue to restart this thread until resolved. Customers should have the ability to turn off their screensavers...period.

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11 months ago

@user_d0szkh Good morning! Thank you for reaching out to our Community Forums Team for assitance with your Flex screensaver. We wouldn't want you to think we don't value our customers' feedback. We are always looking for ways to improve our customer experiences with our products, services, and overall support. While we don't have an off option at this time, you could push it out to 5 hours for the timeout. Are you able to try that, and see if that will work in the meantime? Is there something about the screensaver you don't like? 


4 Messages

5 hrs is not acceptable.  A 12hr or 24hr option should be added if you aren't capable of disabling the screensaver altogether.  I should have the right to keep my TV on desired programming for as long as I want. I am afterall paying for these services.

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@user_d0szkh I completely hear where you are coming from. I will be sure to pass along the feedback, this may be something we could change in the future. In the meantime, I want to be sure we don't overlook something, as our Flex boxes doesn't have a charge, and is used by a lot of customers as a stream hub for other streaming services and Xfinity On Demand. Are you running into the screensaver issue while accessing Xfinity On Demand content or 3rd party streaming apps? 

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A 3rd party streaming app which I also pay a subscription for so I feel like this screensaver issue is preventing me from getting my full money's worth and value of that subscription. Like I said if only a 10hr, 12hr or 24hr option could be added I feel like this would address the issue. I've seen numerous threads in this forum requesting the very same thing.

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1.4K Messages

@user_d0szkh We always pass your feedback along, but there is another option to provided it directly. If you have not already please feel free to visit [Feedback](https://collect.iperceptions.com/(X(1)S(3nzirwal0mjxqpatz0viqsf0))/?lID=1&rn=123531&pID=1&hs1=102214&hs2=91787&siteID=1&referrer=Link&sdfc=03b756c0-123531-0dcbb1db-cd59-44d5-8c25-4e78d3da0dac&source=91787&destination=commentcard&width=680&height=750&linkId=104754956&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1) and let us know abou the changes you would like to see! Thank you so much for letting us know once again that customers are looking for longer times for their screens to stay on before the screen saver kicks in. 

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1 Message

11 months ago

Xfinity did a regional service to both internet and TV service a few weeks ago. Since that update, our adaptor will pause and reverse on it's own and the picture will go blank. It does this occasionally. The Screensaver option was not working until after this update either. We have it set for 5 hours but we do not like it and would like to disable it. Any suggestions?

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Hi there @user_a9krgc. Thank you so much for reaching out to us here on our Community Forums page. I am sorry for the inconvenience that our Screensaver option has caused you. At this time we do not have an option to disable it. 

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But do you have the option of adding more hours? It seems like this would be a much easier fix to just change the max from 5hrs to 12hrs or even 24hrs?

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11 months ago

the screensaver is being forced on us because xfinity wants to force more ads on us

1 Message

Don’t see the advertising angle - as I don’t see ads on screensaver  - but fully agree with all previous posters that a “turn off” option should exist. Was looking all over the place to find 5hrs is max - not acceptable.

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3.7K Messages

Hi @user_good12! Thanks for taking the time to reach out on our Forums to express your concerns about the screensaver. I absolutely understand where you're coming from, and I can definitely get this feedback passed along to our development team. We do apologize for any inconvenience or frustration caused. 

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8 months ago

The purpose of the screensaver is to protect your tv from having a “still” (an image that is not moving like a photograph )from burning into your screen . The tv being on the same channel for hours (with moving images) will not burn any onto your screen and therefore does not need a screensaver. Please tell the higher ups to pay the coders to fix this problem!!! Your turning on the screensaver is going to cause the damage to my screen that you claim you are trying to prevent.

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6 months ago

Agreed!  I am paying for the service, I don't want it turned off because of some random reason that is relevant to your company, but not to users.  We pay to watch and what business is it of yours if we want to leave it on the same station for 100 hours or more?  It's not your business.  I would be extra angry if I were someone paying you even more for DogTV or one of the pet channels that people want to leave on to keep their pets company.  They pay and then you shut if off after 5 hours or less, leaving their pets without the service they are paying for?  And I absolutely DETEST when the tv asks me "Are you still there?"  This is so aggravating.  So, I'm supposed to flip around channels in order to avoid the screensaver?  Have you heard of binging?  Or leaving it on while doing chores?  Get out of our business xfinity.  We are paying for a service and we don't need you to monitor or regulate us every 5 hours or less.  We've got enough to do without getting grief and pressure from our tv, too.

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6 months ago

YES  YES  YES  !!!!  We should have the RIGHT  to disable the screen saver mode .

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user_t0emiv Thanks for your feedback! Unfortunately, at this time the screen saver can't be disabled. However, the following article outlines how to change, and extend the time of the screen saver on the X1 platform.


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6 Messages

6 months ago

I want to disable my screensaver. As I look back through this forum I see that this has been a huge point of contention with many people for a few years now and apparently Xfinity doesn't seem to care. It has created problem some minor to the opposite end of the spectrum causing problems with people's well being and health. Xfinity must not care. If they were going to do anything about it they would have by now. I am feeling like it's time to consider different services after being with them for well over a decade.

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