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charged for flex box I was told did not need to be returned
I am very unhappy with customer service. I called to cancel my service almost 2 months ago. When on the phone with the agent I specifically asked if any equipment needed to be returned. I had purchased my own router and modem. I was told I was all set, nothing needed to be returned. Today I got a bill for $120 for the non-returned flex box. By the way, this is the "free" flex box that was sent to me automatically-I did not request it. When I got it, I called and asked about it and was told it was included for free with my Internet service. I can't help but feel it is a scam when I am told not to return an item and then get charged for not returning said item almost 2 months later. When I just called customer service, expecting the charge to be taken off my account, I was repeatedly told that I had to return the box or pay the fee. I didn't keep the box after being told I didn't need to return it, so I can't return it now. I asked to speak to a supervisor. I was told a supervisor could not speak with me, they could only text with the agent. I can tell you I have no interest in dealing with Xfinity in the future for anything.
Official Employee
2.1K Messages
3 years ago
Hi, @user_975599! Thanks for taking the time out of your day to reach out to XFINITY over our forums page for help with the flexbox return inquiry. We appreciate you greatly for patiently waiting for a response. This is definitely not the experience that we like to hear about. I am sorry to learn that we have made you feel this way. I will do everything within my power to help. Just to confirm, you state that you did not keep the box since you were told that you did not need to return it. May I ask what happened with the box?
2 Messages
3 years ago
The same thing happened to us (almost) but we never received such flex box or opted into received one when we signed a 12 month package with Xfinity. Never saw it or even know what it is.
for three months we have been on phone calls and chats with Xfinity customer service and have either been lied to that we don’t have anything to worry about (then we get another bill in the mail or texts saying we owe money)…. This is getting old Xfinity and we will report this scam to the State attorney general.
The least you can do when denying you’re operating a scam is prove your innocence and communicate with the previous customer.
p.s. Replying to this forum with a vague copy & pasted answer and requesting a DM to resolve this issue and then NEVER relying to a DM or giving round-about answers is not helping and even more illegal scammy interactions.
2 Messages
3 years ago
The same thing happened to us (almost) but we never received such flex box or opted into received one when we signed a 12 month package with Xfinity. Never saw it or even know what it is.
for three months we have been on phone calls and chats with Xfinity customer service and have either been lied to that we don’t have anything to worry about (then we get another bill in the mail or texts saying we owe money)…. This is getting old Xfinity and we will report this scam to the State attorney general.
The least you can do when denying you’re operating a scam is prove your innocence and communicate with the previous customer.
p.s. Replying to this forum with a vague copy & pasted answer and requesting a DM to resolve this issue and then NEVER relying to a DM or giving round-about answers is not helping and even more illegal scammy interactions.
2 Messages
3 years ago
If you receive a UPS notice that a FLEX box is on the way, even though you didn't ask for it, you can refuse to accept delivery from UPS and the driver will simply return it. Here is an article i found very helpful.
UPS says you need to be there in person to tell the driver that you are refusing to accept, but i left a note and it was all fine. If the package does get delivered, dont open it. Simply drop it at a UPS location and ask them to return it.
1 Message
2 years ago
Oh no!!! I am moving and just called customer service to switch my service address. I never used my flex box and asked them what I should do with it and they told me it did not need to be returned and would take it off my account. I asked twice, stating, "I do not need to return it? I can throw it out?" They told me yes! I just went online to switch my service address and Im seeing that it is still on my account but I threw it away days ago!!!! AND my monthly bill just went up! Looks like if this is how the service is, Ill be looking for a new provider for my move!
1 Message
2 years ago
I was today years old when I learned the TV box needed to be returned. I did not ask for the Flex or TV box; they were given to me. I informed the gentlemen ringing me up that I did not want them as I do not need more things to return. He informed me that they were included in the purchase and that only my modem needed to be returned. I haven't had a TV since 2017 so what use do I have for TV devices? I only took them because I thought they were free. I can not tell you where that box is. This feels very misleading and scammy to me.
1 Message
2 years ago
The same thing being mentioned is happening to me. I never ordered the flex box and never received it. And now, months after my contract has ended and I've moved, I'm getting texts saying I'll be charged for an unreturned device.
I spoke to multiple representatives and was told this was resolved and that I wouldn't have to return anything and wouldn't be charged. I feel this is a scam that comcast is perpetrating to squeeze more money out of everyday customers.
How can I resolve this so that I will not be charged for something I didn't order nor receive?