Thursday, February 22nd, 2024 1:33 AM


Add Plex to Xfinity Flex?

I saw this asked several years back and at that time it was not available.  I was hoping Plex is on the roadmap to be added to Flex and if not, is there a forum to upvote requests like this?

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11 months ago

Hello @User_fbhe6478. Thanks for reaching our Forums page regarding Plex. I did some digging around and I'm not showing that Plex is available at this time. 

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@XfinityGabby Is there a site that shows new feature suggestions that people can vote on or perhaps one that shows things that are in the pipeline to be added?  Others have been asking this for several years so it would be nice if we could get it in front of the programmers to add.

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Great question our teams and engineer teams are always looking for ways to  improve and add more apps to the flex services, you can see if your smart tv will allow you to download the Plex app


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@XfinityOrlandoM​ What a goofy answer, of COURSE we can do plex on our smart tvs, roku, almost EVERY other place than xfinity, if you don't have a serious answer, maybe just not answer? I've also seen xfinity reply that most people only want to use the plex that you allow, that's just NOT true. Is there a place we can beg for plex to work on x1? Please don't suggest I try getting a Roku or smart tv.

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8 months ago

when I left xfinity tv 2 or 3 years ago, I'm sure that plex worked on it, I came back hoping to use it again, with no luck. There should be a way to add it to x1 so it works. I think back then I had to download it, now it's already there but doesn't work, how silly. Fix it, Xfinity!

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