38 Messages
URGENT: Mailbox is full, but I cannot delete messages in order to decrease size
I am accustomed to sorting by size and deleting large messages in order to make sure my Xfinity mailbox does not exceed 98%. While I was traveling over Thanksgiving week, my mailbox crept up to 99%. I am eager to reduce its size, but I can't. When I try to delete an email, I get the following message: "Error: This message could not be moved to trash folder, possibly because your mailbox is nearly full. In that case, please try to empty your deleted items first, or delete smaller messages first."
I get this message whether I attempt to delete a large message or a small message.
My trash folder is empty. At least, I think it is; when I click on it, I get a message that says "Error: Failed to load messages."
What is even scarier, my Thunderbird email inbox (which I maintain only as a backup) contains no emails that I have received since 2:14 pm on 11/30/24, even though I have received hundreds.
I MUST delete some emails from my Xfinity mailbox, and then empty my Trash folder--immediately. Please: How?
38 Messages
2 months ago
Update: I was briefly able to delete emails again (and empty Trash). My inbox showed 98% full (when nothing was working, it had said 0%). My Thunderbird inbox miraculously updated. Then, without warning, my Xfinity email returned to the situation I described in my original post. I couldn't delete anything. About half an hour later, without explanation, I was again able to delete emails--and deleted more than 20mb, and emptied Trash. However, my "email usage" currently says 0%, whereas half an hour ago it said 98%. Clearly things are still awry.
My email usage has been at 98% for months, which I know isn't ideal, but I haven't had any problems (though I've been careful to keep deleting emails so that it would not advance higher).
Xfinity: Please tell me what to do. Thank you.