ommyta's profile

Frequent Visitor


8 Messages

Monday, June 29th, 2020 7:00 AM


Temporary failure over and over and over and over......

Keep getting these emails because of one email address in a large distribution list. Seems that the answers to the issue have been archived. Does anyone know how to get these emails to stop coming? I changed my password just in case it was something security-related. Thanks for the help.

Frequent Visitor


8 Messages

4 years ago

This is text of the message. I replaced the real username with "username".  It comes from


This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.     


Delivery to the following recipients was aborted after 49.2 hour(s):




Reason: Temporary Failure

Official Employee


1K Messages

4 years ago

would need more context here. Feel free to PM me or post here with the message you receive, but if you post it in here, please remove any email addresses and/or personal information. 

Official Employee


1K Messages

4 years ago

that looks like a standard deliverability error. For some reason the server was unable to send the email you had addressed to that user. Were there any attachments indicating any kind of specific error code? (usually 3 numbers with a string following, like XXX X.X.X)

Frequent Visitor


8 Messages

4 years ago

No code. Just the original attachment I had sent in the email.

Frequent Visitor


8 Messages

4 years ago

Now it's changed from temporary to permanent error. Still no code.

Official Employee


1K Messages

4 years ago

can you click on my name and PM(Send Message) me the details of your email that you are getting these emails on and the email referenced in the error? 

Regular Visitor


4 Messages

4 years ago

I have the same problem. I now know that the email address I sent to is dead. I just want to make the system stop attempting to send the message since I know it will never reach it's destination. I don't want to block the mailer-daemon since I know it serves a useful purpose.

New Poster


5 Messages

4 years ago

I have the same problem.  I do not understand why there is not a solution posted by CC tech or I am not looking in the correct place? Anyone?

New Poster


3 Messages

4 years ago

Why would you need more context?  Seem pretty straight forward to me.  Like this other person, I responded to an email that wat, apparently, sent from some bogus address,and for the past three days, I'm getting the temporary failure error emails back....... over and over and over..  So what's the context problem, other than you have no idea what you're talking about.



1 Message

4 years ago

[Edited: "Personal Information"] started 3/23/2021 11:25 PM and continue now. These are legal documents and they represent 6 day of lost productivity.




1 Message

3 years ago

Hey Comcast, I’m having the same issue for a week now I’ve been getting this error. I get it, the email address was invalid and the message can’t be sent. I don’t need to get this error every day for the rest of my life now. How do I make it stop??



30.9K Messages

Like everyone else, you'll just have to wait it out until it quits.

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New Problem Solver


617 Messages

Hi @user_4e94dc

I know how inconvenient this error can be and I do want to be sure we can help. You've come to the right place and I am happy to help. How long have you been getting this error? Can you also tell me if the error is "temporary or permanent? 

I no longer work for Comcast.



1 Message

I have perminent error and.. and it comes thru my email 5 to 7 times a day. Comcast what can i do to make it stop



1 Message

3 years ago

Having same issue. Odd that the timing happens to Coincide with Comcast’s abandonment of their email app.

Sorry, but I have little expectation that Comcast will attend to this annoyance in a timely manner, even though I promptly  pay them $200 per month.

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