Thursday, December 14th, 2023 1:00 AM


Still not able to access emails on my phone and iPad

After a required password, change on Monday, I still am not receiving emails on my phone or iPad. In order to receive those on either device I need to go to the xfinity.com website and go through “My Account.” How can I retrieve emails directly on my iPhone?



30.9K Messages

9 months ago


After a required password, change on Monday, I still am not receiving emails on my phone or iPad. In order to receive those on either device I need to go to the xfinity.com website and go through “My Account.” How can I retrieve emails directly on my iPhone?

You don't say how you're trying to access your email on your phone and iPad, but once you changed your password did you change the password on those?

Frequent Visitor


12 Messages

9 months ago

just saying i am having the same problem

Official Employee


532 Messages

9 months ago

@user_gumd7z  Our Expert named Again has a great observation about updating the password on the other devices after the update. Visiting the web portal is the official resource to view your emails. You can still do so on your personal devices. If you updated the password as Again suggested, it may be best to start over in adding the account back to your iPhone and iPad. Also be sure to choose the correct IMAP setting, so you can view messages across all your devices. Here are the general steps https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/email-client-programs-with-xfinity-email. 

3 Messages

Appreciate the information. Thanks. 

Problem Solver


1.5K Messages

9 months ago

I just hit this one myself.  Forced password change went OK.  I had two-factor already enabled on the account.  Also allow 3rd party email from the web email was active.  I turned it off and on.  Probably did nothing:  https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/third-party-email-access 

On a Linux desktop running Thunderbird for a client, it bombed out checking email as expected after I changed the password.  You get a pop-up box to change it and remember in the password manager.  An anomaly with Thunderbird and comcast?  If you put in the correct password, sometimes it doesn't stick.  You have to close the program, then reopen it and try it again, then it usually sticks.  You might have to do it a couple of times.  Perhaps it changes  inbound and then it fails SMTP outbound after that so you have to do it again.  I never bothered debugging it, and just deal with how it works.    

Once that was working I tried the iPhone.  It's an old 8 running 16.7.3 (current at this time).  No love there with the default mail client.  I've seen that before with IOS/MacOS.  It authorization bombs with repeated login attempts using different settings when it fails -- I have debugged that "feature".  That puts you in authorization jail on the server side for repeated failed attempts. 

Disable everything you have currently checking your email.  Wait about 30 minutes to get out of "Auth Jail".  Leave the email account(s) disabled on your iPad/iPhone and go into the mail account settings again, and try the new password.  I ended up doing it twice there too, but it stuck and worked suddenly on the 2nd attempt.  Do that one at a time on your devices before enabling all of the comcast email accounts again.  

Not sure why they reset my password, it's a not very old password so it must be a blanket policy for everyone, so everyone will probably hit it sooner or later.  Care to disclose anything Xfinity?  It's going to leak anyway.  

*sorry for the edits, I'm debugging something else.


Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

9 months ago

@flatlander3 wrote: "... Care to disclose anything Xfinity? ..."

They finally did: https://www.xfinity.com/dataincident. Gotta love how the "More Information" paragraph in the PDF that page opens refers back to that page, which opens the same PDF, which refers back to that same page, which opens the same PDF, which . . .

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Frequent Visitor


12 Messages

9 months ago

Well, I read somewhere that Xfinity did have a breach and that they notified customers Monday. Hmm, I never got a notice. Maybe because my email was not working correctly? None of the suggested solutions worked, but at some point this week , my sub accounts just miraculously showed up again. So I assume this was related to the breach. I wish they would have just told me it would be fixed instead of having me waste hours on suggested solutions that didn't work and having to explain my issues over and over again to different people. My email still does not work on either my iphone or ipad, hopefully that will just miraculously appear soon also. I got another text from a bot asking me if i would recommend Xfinity after my recent contact with them, and if not to let them know my problem. Like an idiot, I again described my problems and then was rewarded with a series of non-related choices: billing, speed, equipment, connection, etc. Yikes!!!

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