Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 9:31 PM

Server error: '452 4.1.1 recipient mailbox unallocated'

I created a new user for our account and when trying to send email to that account, I receive the above error message.  Thinking that it was something I did incorrectly, I tried creating another email address - same results.  That was several days ago so this is not a temporary issue.  Can you tell me how to fix this problem, or if not, can Xfinity fix it for me?

Gold Problem Solver


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2 months ago

As part of its never ending efforts to improve its services, Comcast/Xfinity has eliminated the ability to create new email addresses. You can create new user accounts, but they won't have an associated "Comcast.net" email address. See https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/account-email-information. Existing email addresses should continue to work -- so far.

You'll have to set up an address with some other provider, like Outlook.com, Gmail.com, Yahoo.com, etc., and associate that address with your new Comcast/Xfinity ID for password recovery and other Comcast/Xfinity communications. 

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Thanks for the answer to my question; what I'd expected but not what I'd hoped for.  I'm not sure that I can stand many more of Comcast/Xfinity efforts to improvement its services.

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