2 Messages
Permanently Deleted Emails---any chance of restoring?
I deleted some storage important (to me) folders containing emails inadvertently permanently deleted. I know that the "trash folder" is capable of 10,000 gigs of information, and it's held there for 30 days or so, and the "trash folder" can restore emails you deleted. I get that, but I couldn't leave it alone, so I permanently deleted the needed emails (oh God). I recognized my error just Friday (10/18/2024) and deleted the folders on October 11, 2024. I would like to restore the emails to their original status. Will the Community and Xfinity support technical individuals help me, please?
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
4 months ago
If the messages aren't in the Trash folder at https://connect.xfinity.com/, try the Recovery process described in https://connect.xfinity.com/appsuite/apps/faq/index.html#recoverEmail. The folders that were deleted won't be found there, but the emails they contained should be.
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Official Employee
823 Messages
4 months ago
Hey there, @user_63d514. Our resident problem solver @BruceW provided the best way to recover emails from our self-service option. Were you able to locate the delete emails by chance?