Regular Visitor
22 Messages
One of the Worst Customer Service
Last night I attempted to chat with a live agent via the chat box. I went in just wanted to answer some general questions and I also requested they emailed me the answers. After 4 to 4.5 hours I still didn't get my email and the only thing that was accomplished during that time is I was told my bill suddenly increased by $50 despite not being at the end of my promotional period. I probably went through 10 to 12 agents while they lied to me, try to sell me something, or took two seconds to look at the agents that disconnected and left. Later down the line I was blamed for the agents leaving because I didn't respond frequently enough even and I should be responding every minute to keep the chat active... I've never had to do that before and other agents went way long between responses. The speed at which they transferred me away for any reason they could think of is unreal and further more I was also transferred to people who after wasting a bunch of my time said they couldn't help me only transfer me back to a department that was I was previously transferred away from. I feel that Xfinity has done everything they can to make the customer experience as bad as possible. The website, chat support, and phone support have gotten so poor it feels intentional.
Official Employee
1.3K Messages
1 month ago
@MKib I'm sorry to hear how this experience has made you feel. Our team can definitely help and go over your bill and charges with you. Can you meet us in a direct message so we can resolve your billing concerns. Here's the detailed steps to direct message us:
• Click "Sign In" if necessary
• Click the "Direct Message” icon (upper right corner of this page)
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
• Press Enter to send your message.
New Poster
21 Messages
1 month ago
That sounds frustrating Mkib. You're still left hanging in the breeze. During Covid time it was IMPOSSIBLE to talk to a live agent. They didn't have an option!!!!! It was an empty call center for how many months? No matter what button you chose, it would eventually bring you back to the main menu listening to an AI voice (I tried all 9 options).
I was flabbergasted at the ineffectiveness of their entire business during that time, while I had to go to work every day, essential, forced overtime, nonstop lockdown work. And I really needed help. Must have internet to connect to work, and they couldn't assist. But they sure collected that bill.
I was also unable to create a new email account for my daughter. Why? Because she doesn't have a cell phone. A phone number and a 2nd email address is HARSHLY REQUIRED to get a new email address with Xfinity/Comcast...but she's a kid. She has neither. Just wants to start out with a basic email address. Just goes to show you can't rely on them to provide connection & communication for your family. You have to go ELSEWHERE first, get your 1st email setup, then come back later to Xfinity to be the backup. But ONLY with a live agent's help, because you still don't have a cell phone. So 3 weeks later after failing constantly attempting this, I had to get a friend's Xfinity family member to call me at work one day, on my own time, and get setup with her email address. Only an Xfinity employee can override the cell phone requirement and get you an email address. The dumb system doesn't allow you or me or any other of the millions of customers to do it. How truly sad Xfinity is.