1 Message
my secondary email account has disappeared.
My secondary email account has disappeared. How do I re-establish this account and retrieve the emails.
1 Message
My secondary email account has disappeared. How do I re-establish this account and retrieve the emails.
29.6K Messages
6 days ago
You need to sign into the account at least once every 9 months to keep it active. If you didn't, it would be inactive. Call Comcast security and see if they can get it back for you-------------
Comcast Customer Security Assurance-------------------
Normal business hours (6:00 am to 2:00 am EST, 7 days a week) 1 - 888-565-4329
Official Employee
1.4K Messages
4 days ago
Hello @user_1a8s4x, Thanks so much for taking a moment out of your day to leave a post on our community forum, and we would be happy to help. Please go to Your Comcast.net email and you will see that "If you haven’t signed in to your Comcast.net email for 2+ years, your account will soon be closed" and click Xfinity Email activity policy for further help.