user_cgp214's profile

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7 Messages

Tuesday, October 1st, 2024 6:30 PM

My own email address is now considered spam

After I manually moved to the spam box some spam emails using my name to trick me, now Comcast considers email headers with my name as spam. So, if I send an email with cc: to my Comcast address, it is considered spam and will reach the inbox for just a few seconds, then disappear into the spam box. Every time, I have to fetch these emails in my spam box and click the "not spam" button. Is there a way to correct this issue?


[Edit: PII]

Accepted Solution



29.6K Messages

5 months ago

Call Comcast security. It might be something in those headers other than your name that is triggering the Spam filters.

Comcast Customer Security Assurance-------------------

Normal business hours (6:00 am to 2:00 am EST, 7 days a week) 1 - 888-565-4329

Accepted Solution

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

5 months ago


user_cgp214 Thanks for reaching out! You can try and adjust your Spam filters, or add your email address to your address book as a safe email. Here are some articles that may help you! 


Set email filters or spam filters — Xfinity Email help


Add Email Addresses to Your Email Safe List in Xfinity Email

Regular Visitor


7 Messages

Thank you. I was able to add my email address as a "new rule" and my emails should now be delivered to my inbox.

Official Employee


649 Messages

That is awesome! @user_cgp214 I am glad you were able to get everything taken care of. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us here if we can assist with anything in the future. Have a wonderful day and thank you for being the most important part of Xfinity! -Joe

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Accepted Solution



29.6K Messages

5 months ago


Be careful with the "Safe List" in Xfinity email.  If you enable that, you will only get email from whatever addresses you put in there----------and nothing else.

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