Thursday, August 15th, 2024 10:02 PM

Keeping comcast email address.

I currently have a Comcast email that I access thru outlook daily. My community HOA is changing internet providers and leaving Comcast. I have read that I can keep my Comcast email. Can I continue to access it thru outlook or do I have to access it through the Comcast website? Thank you.



29.5K Messages

1 month ago

As of right now, yes, you can keep your Comcast email account.  See here-----------


and here-----------


However,  back in June Comcast  adopted a new email policy.  You may want to reconsider your email options goin forward based on that information--------------


Basically it says new Comcast internet customers will not have the ability to have a Comcast email account, and existing customers will no longer be able to add new secondary accounts with email as a feature.


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